Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Perseverance- Health, Exercise, Fitness, Workout, Personal Training ...

Perseverance is constancy and continuance.

Perseverance is dedication, diligence, determination and drive.

Perseverance is endurance, grit and insistence.

Perseverance is patience, resolution and spunk.


The New Year is a great time to start over, get on track, start eating right ect. Resolutions are great and this is why most people make them year after year. The problem is that they are often the same ones. Why is this? What is it about these resolutions that we just can?t seem to get them right. There are millions of reasons, but I will attempt to address a few of the biggies we see years after year.


Goals are too big and ambiguous. ?I want to get in shape? is the least clear goal and very hard to measure by most people?s metrics. What are you really looking for and how can you measure it? ?I want to run a 5k in under 25 minutes by March 1st is a GREAT goal and specific. ?I will go to the gym 4 times a week is a bit less specific, but still pretty good. Find the out come you want and work backwards. An event is helpful here. ?I?m going to lose weight? is a top 3 goal and is very tough. How? How much? Why? What kind of weight? Muscle? Fat? If you go back to the goals and focus on outcome you will do better here. If you got your 5k time where you wanted it, you probably would get rid of some of the excess fat as well. We use benchmarks that are NOT weight based at Live Long Fitness because to meet performance goals you need to address nutrition. Once you address nutrition and performance weight will often take care of itself.


Remember you are seeking long term, lifestyle changes here, not a one time thing. If you are really serious, do something like this:


Set a start date.

Set an end date.

Set clear and measurable guidelines.

Get to work!




Goals for end of 2013

1) 25 flat 5k

2) 300lb bench, 400lb squat, 500lb deadlift

3) 40? box jump and 100 double unders in less than 3 minutes

4) 30 reps 135 ground to overhead in 3 min flat

5) 800m run in under 3:15

6) Push a 500lb prowler 100 meters


These goals do not have to mean anything to anyone else, and most of them are not very good in comparison to other people. This isn?t the point. The point is that to reach goals you need to work and to be motivated to work YOU have to give a shit when no one else does. The second part of any goal is the ?how??


Start Date: Jan 2nd


1) Eliminate processed and refined food from my diet. No Diet Red Bull, no Slim Jims and no crappy supplements and meal replacement bars full of grains and chemicals.

2) Eliminate added sugar and sugary sauces and condiments.

3) Eat a protein source 5 times a day

4) Eat a vegetable source at least 3 times a day

5) Drink water all day

6) Work 5-3-1 on a 3day schedule and make all reps

7) Do strongman conditioning 1x a week and sprint 1x a week

8) Condition 2-3x a week.

9) No vegetable carbs are post workout only

10) Log all food and workouts daily


Is this easy? NO! Is it measurable and manageable? YES! What if you eat sugar? Just get over it and move on. What if you skip a workout? Get over it and get to work. If you continue to eat crap and miss work when the end of the year comes and you miss your goals, you will know exactly why. Get back on the horse and do not throw it all away. I get messages from people daily who were trying to quit sugar and they are being crazy. ?I was doing great but had a Peppermint Patty ay work so I went home and ate a pie?. I am not making fun of anyone and I am not kidding. If you are cutting grains and you go and eat a pretzel or slice of pizza just STOP and move on with a healthy day. Don?t thro away good work for a small mistake.





Perseverance is constancy and continuance.

Perseverance is dedication, diligence, determination and drive.

Perseverance is endurance, grit and insistence.

Perseverance is patience, resolution and spunk.






Source: http://livelongfood.net/perseverance/

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