Speaker Services ? 1/12/13 Update ? E-Zine News
Full-Service Coaching, Marketing & Training for Speakers, Authors, Experts, Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals. Online directory brings speakers together with audiences since 1992.
We have hit the ground running for 2013.
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.? -Antoine de Saint Exupery
Great quote.? I think some of our followers have seen the light and the phone is ringing and classes and consultations are being are being booked.? Oh yes and several invites for me to speak on colleagues stages.? I love it!
Let me share some of the excitement with you.
- Kristin McDonald will speak at the SCSEP Conference in Texas in May to over 350 attendees. The SCSEP Conference stands for Senior Community Service Employment Program
- Jacqueline Roberston and Devin C. Hughes are waiting to hear back for a speaking opportunity for Black History Month on the East Coast.
- Ardiana Cohn spoke to a group of business folks in Ontario, Canada and they bought all of her books and she is booking more engagements from her 30 minute talk.
- Speaker Keri Bowers is waiting to hear back on two speaking gigs.? She talks about Autism.
See all of our Speakers
News at Speaker Services Interviews and Workshops
- Speaker Deborah Deras is offering a series Are you ready to make 2013, your most profitable, fulfilling & stress free year. Click here to discover how http://t.co/zJuBPG6K
I am interviewing speaker and author Laura Gisborne on Monday, 1/14 at 4pm PT.? It is? a complimentary teleclass about 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Business in 2013.? The number to call into is 818-742-0029 code 310332#. If you would like a copy of the mp3 please register at http://www.speakerservices.com/teleclasses/detail/277
COMPLIMENTARY PASSES to Sales With Ease event
Laura is producing an event on February 1-3 in Laguna Beach called Sales with Ease http://www.saleswithease.com . Team member Jean-Noel Bassior and myself are offering a bonus master class on Friday afternoon Speak Your Way to More Profits and on Saturday we will be on a panel.? My colleague speaker and author Maurice DiMino, will be speaking on Saturday.
I have a handful of guest passes available for the 3 days for $97, which includes your lunch. If you would like to attend e-mail me right away susan@speakerservices.com with your contact info and I will make arrangements for you to get a pass.? Sweet deal and we look forward to meeting you there.
Laurel Kaufman, J.D., M.B.A. did an excellent job of sharing information on Sponsorship & Licensing: Make money on your brand and have others pay for your marketing initiatives.? The hour mp3 is available to order at http://www.speakerservices.com/products/detail/273 an extraordinary value.
If you are a member of the Speakers Community Membership Club http://www.speakerscommuntiy.com is complimentary to you.? Join the club for 60 days for free and have access to hundreds of interviews with the experts and then a mere $19.95 a month.
We are looking forward to our new web based broadcast show on LATALKLIVE.COM which begins Monday, Feb 25 at 5pm PT. Talk Up Your Biz, Speak Your Way to More Profits. Lots of tips and advice and great guests.? View us on the web http://www.latalklive.com? Listen on your mobile phone and call in with questions too.
MARKET YOURSELF AS A SPEAKER WORKSHOP A ?2 part teleclass series 2/11 and 2/18 ?with Industry Expert Susan Levin??.
Are you a business professional, an author, expert, coach, consultant, or a solo-entrepreneur? Do you want to expand your visibility in your field, and become branded as the one to choose in your niche? Consider using speaking as part of your marketing plan and watch your business grow. http://www.speakerservices.com/services/marketyourself.html
Susan is the wise woman of speaker marketing.? She speaks from the heart.
NEW 2013
Training Series offered for Virtual Assistants, Speakers, Authors, and Experts
Getting speaking gigs can be a mysterious and frustrating process let us show you how to find and land speaking gigs, name the decision makers, one-sheets, promo packets and how decision makers decide who to book.
We have two four part teleclass series scheduled:
The first is for VAs who are looking for a new niche and or working with speakers and authors and need to find and land gigs for their clients. Find and Land Speaking Gigs for your Clients begins Feb 15. http://www.speakerservices.com/findandlandgigsva
Janie Wilson shared; I am a virtual assistant planning to take the ?FIND AND LAND SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES for their SPEAKER, AUTHOR, CEO and BUSINESS CLIENTS? in February. For the VA?s out there desiring to offer the very best to your speaker/author clients, I think this is a? must have.? I am so excited to be able to offer this service to existing and future clients this spring! http://www.speakerservices.com/findandlandgigsva
The second is for Speakers, Authors who want to get more bookings and is called Be Sought After Speaker? It is a 4 part teleclass series starts March 7, 2013.? Taught by industry experts Susan Levin and Jean-Noel Bassior of Speaker Services. Check it out. http://www.speakerservices.com/beasoughtafterspeaker/index.html
Susan Levin is the Holy Grail for speakers, whether they are just beginning or already making good money. She offers training in everything you need to know: putting your presentation together, writing a book, getting speaking leads and especially how to market yourself in the most current ways, including video and social media.
- Barbara Niven, Actress, Speaker and Presentation Coach,
See all workshops & teleclasses http://bit.ly/9z9D8V
So you think you want one on one coaching with us?? We have two slots open in the beginning of February. We will customize a program based on your needs and budget.? Check out some of the possibilities, testimonials at http://www.speakerservices.com/marketing.html
Give me a call 310-822-4922 PT to discuss your interest.
Recently I asked this question in my? Speaker Services Linked In group. What do you speak about and who are your best-fit audiences?
A: Dwayne Bennett ? I speak to high school and college students to empower them to stay in school, plan for success, and graduate on time. Thanks for asking.
A: Catherine Jewell, The Career Passion Coach, PCM:? I speak about Career Passion ? how to find it and build it into your current job. My perfect audiences are businesses looking to re-energize their workforce. Driving Your Career is a wonderful program for professional associations. All customized to the profession. Thanks for asking!
A: Charlotte Ostermann: I speak to Catholic and Interdenominational groups about the formation of the human person ? his need for holy leisure, interior freedom, and poetic education. People resonate with my message if they want to be more vibrant Christians and to transform the culture of death by joyful engagement.
Do you know who your target audiences are?
Have to run to work with my private client now.? Today is our last session. She has come a long way and we are very proud of her. Congrats Ardiana Cohn.? Look for her speaker listing in February.
Susan Levin, susan@speakerservices.com, 310-822-4922 PT
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