Robert Sabo/New York Daily News
NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly is "the best police commissioner the city has ever had," Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday on his radio show.
Mayor Bloomberg feels Ray Kelly?s pain.
The police commissioner took heat this week for suggesting that black and Latino elected officials were too busy slamming the NYPD to care much about violence in their own communities.
The remarks infuriated minority leaders who have been critical of police stop-and-frisk policies but Bloomberg praised Kelly as ?the best police commissioner the city has ever had.?
In Hizzoner?s first comments about the flap, he told host John Gambling on his WOR radio show Friday that ?no one has done more to improve community and police relations than Ray Kelly.?
People are too quick to criticize the police, Bloomberg said.
?I sympathize with Ray?s frustration. You know, everything the police do is wrong to certain groups of people.?
He said New York has one of the country?s lowest murder rates.
?We used to be one of the murder capitals of the United States and we just are not going back ? at least not while I am here.?
Source: http://feeds.nydailynews.com/~r/nydnrss/news/~3/NLFsphoI7AI/story01.htm
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