Caring Mobile, Inc is private Mobile Phone Company headquartered in Sydney, Australia, is the principal producer, designer, and distributor of cell phones intended or anticipated for teens. The vital product of Caring Mobile, Inc is a multimedia cell phone with a full colour screen, wallpaper, in built camera, and customizable ring tones. This cell phone enables teens to send SMS, make calls, take pictures, watch video, listen to MP4, and play games, the cell phone is at this time is being ?sold at ?an average price of US$ 99 per item. The mobile company market targets the Australian teens aged between ten to 15 years, as teens of this age bracket are more technically responsive and in actual fact long for goods that are conventionally taken as adult familiarized.
Marketing mix of multimedia mobile phone
Market mix is partial and part thing in terms of persuading or influencing target customers? attitude.
I would use the four P?s of marketing mix to control, and focus on the external and internal hampers of the market on target (.Loudon, 1988). My goal would be to formulate the resolutions, decisions, and verdicts that could centre the four P?s (Price, Product, Promotion and place) on the consumers in the intended market ?to generate persuade value, thus creating? a positive response(Collins, 2007).? In manufacturing multimedia cell phone with quality default features, which largely targets youth segment in Sydney and its environs. In that effort I would have designed the most important element, component, and part? ?of market mix for the aim of positioning myself well in targeting clients mind domain. So, to position a make of this cell phone product at the pinnacle of the stepladder in youngsters mentality, I would designed my marketing mix as follows: To design the product in order to create major positive attitude from the targeted customer, the cell phone having features like default camera, customized ring tones, and video enabled features will be so timely for the kids? curiosity (Foxall, 2005). Therefore the product could play double balancing tasks. On one side, multimedia cell phone would be used by these kids for communication purposes, and it would as well provide entertainment to the kids.
In accordance to the study discoveries the majority of customers are extremely anxious concerning the quality of the mobile phone, as having a variety of features. Quality in this sense increases comfort, entertainment, leisure, and better communication with no a meagre setback. I would ensure provision of quality product to the targeted market with maximum accepted industry criterions. This product would have passed product consumerization, as already familiarized with the target consumers. However, I would be required to determine whether customers value the supplementary advantage addressed by my product or not. Price is an unquestionably an important tactical unpredictable and in several markets, regardless of an escalation in the significance of non price aspects, it remains the principal determinant of end user preference. It is meaning is further highlighted by the reality that it is the sole function of marketing mix that makes or generates revenues as other elements of market mix only produce cost. In marketing mix pricing plays is very vital and given that is the only function of the market mix which generates revenues as others produce cost (Loudon, 988). Therefore, strong pricing objectives are important for market survival of the company. Further, in order for this company to realize the marketing goals efficiently, effectively, and successfully I would develop sturdy pricing goals of the product for attraction of positive attitude from the targeted potential market (Wansink 2006).
I would use the third component of market mix which is distribution in influencing the target market to buy the product, having designed an excellence product and placed the price at US$ 99 (Whitman, 2008). I would therefore, decide on how to deliver the product to the desired consumers. I would have to make sure that better options of delivering the product to the final customers are realized, by either using intermediaries, given whole persuade of delivery to separate party, or direct marketing (Foxall, 2005). As deficiency of monetary resources to accomplish direct marketing, sometimes direct marketing would not be feasible (Schwartz, 2004). , therefore I would make correct decisions to ensure that the product reach the targeted customers. Lastly, I would use another function of marketing mix which is promotion to reach the definite target market of these cell phones. Promotion being marketing communication, I would need to do advertising campaigns to inform, persuades, even reminds my customers indirectly or directly with reference to the brands of the multimedia cell phones produced in my company. These promotion campaigns could assist in developing brand awareness amongst customers in the target market, inform my company about the market reaction on products, and aspects regarding product in use.
Use of marketing mix to facilitate classical conditioning
Classical conditioning is a comeback that is induced by a formerly impartial stimulus repetitively matched with a stimulus which initially produced the response. Classical conditioning is as well known as respondent conditioning, as it principally apprehensive to ideas that take place in response to a number of previous stimuli (Collins, 2007). In this type of conditioning, an impartial stimulus is matched with a stimulus that produces reaction. Through the recurrence of the coupling the impartial stimulus acquires the aptitude to produce a comeback (Wansink, 2006). Instrumental conditioning is where an individual teams to create an influential response which leads to fortification. Fortification instinctively refers to presentation of satisfying thing or there elimination, removal or exclusion of something distasteful (Foxall, 2005). More fitting in practical sagacity is the meaning that fortification is presentation of a stimulus which enhances the behaviour that leads the stimulus. A stimulus with such an outcome is referred to as rein forcer. Instrumental conditioning is as well known as operant conditioning, due to its chiefly concern with activities that function on the environment (Howard and Sheth, 1968).
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