We had about?40 people last year, and will invite the same group this year.?? We already know of 3 families who can't make it though (vacations, etc.), so it will be smaller for that reason.
We have a "mixed bag" of people invited.? LO doesn't really have her own friends yet, so it's?family and our friends (some of whom have kids, some don't).
She goes to an in home?DCP, but we opted not to invite the kids there last year and won't this year either.???We like them very much, and I would consider the kids DD's friends, but we just felt it would be odd, since we don't know them well?and have?never socialized with them outside of daycare.
As for activities, we are doing a craft for the kids who are old enough to participate (bee craft from Oriental Trading).?? DD won't really be old enough for it, so I don't expect smaller babies to care?either.? I just wanted? something for the older kids so they don't get bored.?? Last year, the?smaller babies (including DD) had fun just playing with her toys.? I am thinking the same will be true this year.?
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