Friday, June 15, 2012

end of tenancy cleaning - Tips on How to Clean White Grout

Tile as a material in homes is very wide-spread especially when it comes to bathrooms or kitchens. However, if you prefer white grout with the time it will lose its white colour and will become looking gray, orange or if it has mold -- even black. To return the natural brightness of the grout colour, you need to follow these simple steps and methods given below.

As a first instruction, the end of tenancy cleaning specialists advise you to use cleaning products that are bought from home-improvement stores. There is such a big variety of many items that are good in cleaning white grout and removing mold from it. When you start cleaning the grout, spray from the product onto it, let it sit for at least 10 minutes and scrub with an old toothbrush or a cleaning sponge. Bleach also can give you a great results, only apply it on the grout and rinse it with water.

The next option for grout cleaning is the cleaning eraser, when it is scrubbed on the grout surfaces it removes almost everything from it. After cleaning it should be rinsed with clean water.

If you prefer to avoid using chemical cleaning products, you can use household ones such as vinegar, baking soda, rubbing alcohol and many others. Filled in a spray bottle and spraid directly onto the grout surface, they start acting after 10 minutes. Scrub with an old toothbrush or a cleaning sponge and rinse when everything is shining. For cleaning the grout with baking soda, you need to prepare a mixture that consists of it and clean water until a paste is formed.

As a last advice, tenancy cleaning from London specialists suggest to purchase a special grout cleaning tool which can be found in the home improvement stores. This tool helps with the scrubbing and it easily scrapes away dirty particles from the grout surface.

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