Wednesday, June 6, 2012

7160 - Where To Go ? Travel USA

Where To Go ? Travel USA

Posted by Nancy Yackel under Travel, New Mexico
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A broken wagon wheel first brought artists Ernest Blumenschein and Bert Phillips to Taos in 1898. As one of the founders of the Taos Society of Artists in 1915 Blumenschein help establish the northern New Mexico village as one of America?s great art colonies.


Blumenschein?s home and studio on historic Ledoux Street in Taos remains much as it was when the family lived in the rambling adobe. The Blumenschein family?s European and Spanish Colonial antiques and original art fill the museum/home.


The Blumenschein Home and Museum, 222 Ledoux Street, is open Monday through Saturday 10am to 5pm, Sunday noon to 5pm. Adult admission is $8. ? When visiting Taos consider the MAT (Museum Association of Taos) combination ticket for $25. The ticket allows one admission to each of five museums:


  • Blumenschein Home & Museum

  • Harwood Museum of Art

  • La Hacienda de los Martinez

  • Millicent Rogers Museum

  • Taos Art Museum and Fechin House

The MAT combo ticket is valid for one full year and is transferable. If you can?t see all five museums during your Taos visit you can pass it along to a friend.

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