Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ann Coulter's Blockbuster Immigration Column - The American ...

The Spectacle Blog

The always studious Ann Coulter has an amazing column out this morning on the nation's immigration issue.

Found here?in Human Events, Ann has spent some time poring through the fine print of the election returns.

Her findings, made in studying the stats from Pew Research, startle. They must become part of the immigration debate to come with Republicans.

Did you know, for example, that Romney carried the youth vote? With 54% of the vote? To Obama's 41%?

Did you know that in fact Romney also carried, by a small margin, what Ann calls the "Lena Dunham demographic" -? women under 30?

All true.

Here's the problem. That 54% of the under-30 vote that Romney got? White as a polar bear.

In fact, it was Obama who won the youth vote -- and it wasn't because he was "offering free tuition and contraception." It's because the under-thirty vote is "the knife's edge of a demographic shift" to young immigrants who are turned into government dependents.

In Ann's words: "The youth vote is a snapshot of elections to come if nothing is done to reverse the deluge of unskilled immigrants pouring into the country as a result of Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration act. Eighty-five percent of legal immigrants since 1968 have come from the Third World. A majority of them are in need of government assistance."

It's a stunning, must read column -- and prefigures the immigration debate that looms ahead.


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