Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kurn Hattin Graduate Wins Outstanding Youth In Philanthropy Award

Kurn Hattin???
November 13th, 2012

Credit: Tim Green aka atoach/ flickr

Lyssa Jackson of Keene, N.H. has been awarded the 2012 Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy by the Association of Fundraising Professionals? Northern New England Chapter (AFP-NNE).

The award is given annually?to an individual, ages 10?23, who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the community through direct financial support, development of charitable programs, volunteering and leadership in philanthropy.

Jackson, currently a student at Skidmore College, will accept the award at a special luncheon during the AFP-NNE Conference at the Stoweflake Mountain Resort in Stowe, VT.??The event will take place on November 15th, 2021?National Philanthropy Day?and will be attended by more than 200 fundraising professionals from Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire.


Having faced numerous adult-sized challenges during her early childhood, including the death of her father at a young age and coping with her mother?s mental illness, Lyssa was placed in the care of her grandmother at age 10. When her mother?s illness became more severe, the family chose to send Lyssa to attend school at Kurn Hattin Homes for Children, in Westminster, Vermont, a charitable home and school for children in need from throughout the northeast. The organization runs entirely on charitable donations. Lyssa graduated from Kurn Hattin Homes for Children in 2008 and then received a full scholarship to attend the Putney School.

Philanthropy Project

Last year, while a senior at the Putney School, Lyssa mobilized her fellow students to raise over $5,000 for Kurn Hattin Homes for Children, so she could give back to the place that she felt gave her a chance in life. ?I can never fully repay Kurn Hattin for what they gave me, because what they gave me goes beyond value,? she reflected, ?Kurn Hattin didn?t turn me into the person I am, but it allowed me to become the person I knew I could be.

Credit: HowardLake/ flickr

As part of the Putney School?s 2nd?Annual Community Workday, students performed manual labor tasks for residents in the community, with the proceeds going to a selected charity. Putney School students chose Kurn Hattin Homes for Children last year after a heartfelt presentation from Lyssa. She told of her hardship as a child and how a home for children just down the road helped her become who she is today.??Her classmates voted in her favor to not only support Kurn Hattin but also to support Lyssa, their friend and classmate. At the end of just one full day of hard work in the community, the group had raised $5,316 for Kurn Hattin.

Established in 1894, Kurn Hattin Homes for Children in Westminster, Vermont is a?charitable home and school for boys and girls, ages 6-15, who are affected by?tragedy, social or economic hardship, or other disruption in family life.?Its mission: Kurn Hattin transforms the lives of children and their?families forever.


AFP of Northern New England is comprised of 230+ members from the states of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. The chapter organizes an annual conference every November (which rotates among the three states) and offers professional development, educational and networking opportunities to its members in all three states.?The conference includes the awards ceremony, which honors individuals and groups for their outstanding philanthropic endeavors.

This story originally appeared at Kurn Hattin

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Source: http://news.yourolivebranch.org/2012/11/13/kurn-hattin-graduate-wins-outstanding-youth-in-philanthropy-award/

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