Thursday, October 25, 2012

Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office east bank crime report, Oct. 23 ...

This information reflects initial calls for service reported by the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office for the east bank of Jefferson Parish. Locations are approximate due to automated location methods and address inconsistencies, the Sheriff's Office says. Burglar alarm calls are excluded.
8700 block of 26th Street - Oct. 22, 11:04 a.m., criminal damage.
3200 block of 36th Street - Oct. 22, 10:44 a.m., disturbing the peace.
6600 block of Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 12:35 p.m., theft.
7900 block of Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 2:18 p.m., theft.
Airline Drive and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:16 a.m., assault.
Airline Drive and David Drive - Oct. 22, 10:58 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3000 block of Andover Street - Oct. 22, 8:21 a.m., criminal damage.
3000 block of Andover Street - Oct. 22, 9:00 a.m., criminal damage.
3000 block of Andover Street - Oct. 22, 9:12 a.m., criminal damage.
1000 block of Aris Avenue - Oct. 22, 4:35 p.m., vehicle burglary.
400 block of Athania Parkway - Oct. 22, 9:48 a.m., theft.
4900 block of Avron Boulevard - Oct. 22, 9:52 a.m., theft.
4600 block of Beau Lac Lane - Oct. 22, 1:26 p.m., suspicious person.
8900 block of Belle Grove Place - Oct. 22, 7:22 p.m., criminal damage.
300 block of Betz Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:37 p.m., residence burglary.
700 block of Blanche Avenue - Oct. 22, 9:00 p.m., vehicle burglary.
2200 block of Blk Caswell Lane - Oct. 22, 4:47 p.m., disturbing the peace.
1200 block of Blk Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 8:15 p.m., disturbing the peace.
400 block of Blk Lake Avenue - Oct. 22, 4:02 p.m., criminal damage.
300 block of Blk Lynnette Drive - Oct. 22, 2:46 p.m., suspicious person.
500 block of Blk Richard Avenue - Oct. 22, 4:02 p.m., suspicious person.
4500 block of Blk Southshore Drive - Oct. 22, 12:37 p.m., suspicious person.
Bonnabel Boulevard and Feronia Street - Oct. 22, 12:46 p.m., disturbing the peace.
2300 block of North Causeway Boulevard - Oct. 22, 9:38 a.m., vehicle burglary.
North Causeway Boulevard and Interstate 10 - Oct. 22, 10:19 p.m., drug law violation.
Citrus Boulevard and Dickory Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:50 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Citrus Boulevard and River Oaks Road East - Oct. 22, 7:06 a.m., vehicle wreck.
1100 block of South Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:05 p.m., theft.
2200 block of Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 1:27 a.m., suspicious person.
2200 block of Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 1:10 p.m., theft.
Clearview Parkway and Calumet Street - Oct. 22, 12:55 a.m., suspicious person.
Clearview Parkway and Camel Street - Oct. 22, 5:16 p.m., vehicle wreck.
Clearview Parkway and Interstate 10 - Oct. 22, 6:18 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Clearview Parkway and Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 3:39 p.m., vehicle wreck.
2200 block of Cleary Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:13 p.m., business burglary.
Cleary Avenue and 17th Street - Oct. 22, 1:05 a.m., suspicious person.
900 block of David Drive - Oct. 22, 5:19 p.m., vehicle burglary.
2000 block of Dickory Avenue - Oct. 22, 7:43 a.m., criminal damage.
3400 block of Edenborn Avenue - Oct. 22, 9:35 p.m., disturbing the peace.
1400 block of Edwards Avenue - Oct. 22, 7:06 a.m., vehicle burglary.
4300 block of Englewood Street - Oct. 22, 10:22 a.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and Craig Avenue - Oct. 22, 6:25 p.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and James Drive - Oct. 22, 8:43 a.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and North Woodlawn Avenue - Oct. 22, 7:49 a.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and Transcontinental Drive - Oct. 22, 5:11 p.m., vehicle wreck.
200 block of Georgia Court - Oct. 22, 10:12 a.m., vehicle burglary.
4300 block of Grace King Place - Oct. 22, 3:04 p.m., theft.
9200 block of Hermitage Place - Oct. 22, 5:40 p.m., criminal damage.
4200 block of Hessmer Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:16 a.m., battery.
Hickory Avenue and Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 8:13 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3100 block of Houma Boulevard - Oct. 22, 5:13 p.m., disturbing the peace.
200 block of Iona Street - Oct. 22, 6:13 p.m., vehicle wreck.
100 block of Jefferson Heights Avenue - Oct. 22, 10:10 p.m., battery.
Jefferson Highway and Labarre Place - Oct. 22, 2:04 p.m., suspicious person.
Jefferson Highway and Shrewsbury Court - Oct. 22, 11:08 p.m., suspicious person.
Jefferson Highway and Terrace Street - Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m., suspicious person.
600 block of Jefferson Street - Oct. 22, 8:56 a.m., theft.
Kawanee Avenue and Harvard Avenue - Oct. 22, 5:56 a.m., disturbing the peace.
300 block of L and A Road - Oct. 22, 3:15 p.m., burglary.
Labarre Road and Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 3:27 a.m., illegal discharge of weapon.
1100 block of Lake Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:06 a.m., vehicle wreck.
2900 block of Lake Villa Drive - Oct. 22, 2:11 a.m., disturbing the peace.
West Metairie Avenue and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:58 a.m., suspicious person.
West Napoleon Avenue and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:36 a.m., disturbing the peace.
West Napoleon Avenue and David Drive - Oct. 22, 6:53 p.m., suspicious person.
West Napoleon Avenue and Richland Avenue - Oct. 22, 2:57 p.m., disturbing the peace.
West Napoleon Avenue and Severn Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:47 a.m., vehicle wreck.
11100 block of Newton Street - Oct. 22, 5:19 p.m., drug law violation.
1500 block of Palm Street - Oct. 22, 12:18 p.m., suspicious person.
1500 block of Palm Street - Oct. 22, 2:56 p.m., suspicious person.
300 block of Papworth Avenue - Oct. 22, 1:57 p.m., theft.
100 block of Raspberry Street - Oct. 22, 6:57 a.m., criminal damage.
600 block of Richard Avenue - Oct. 22, 5:48 p.m., disturbing the peace.
6300 block of Riverside Drive - Oct. 22, 12:29 p.m., disturbing the peace.
Roberta Street and Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 12:25 p.m., vehicle wreck.
400 block of Sadie Avenue - Oct. 22, 10:59 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3000 block of Sam Lenoux Street - Oct. 22, 1:34 p.m., suspicious person.
1900 block of Sandra Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:23 a.m., criminal damage.
2100 block of Sandra Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:00 a.m., suspicious person.
1000 block of Severn Avenue - Oct. 22, 9:57 p.m., criminal damage.
Severn Avenue and West Esplanade Avenue North - Oct. 22, 3:00 p.m., suspicious person.
600 block of Sizeler Avenue - Oct. 22, 12:33 a.m., disturbing the peace.
4700 block of Trenton Street - Oct. 22, 1:09 p.m., vehicle wreck.
3000 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 10:51 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3300 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 8:34 p.m., theft.
8800 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 5:37 p.m., theft.
Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:23 a.m., assault.
Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Cleary Avenue - Oct. 22, 10:02 a.m., vehicle wreck.


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