Thursday, October 25, 2012 Hides Political Posts On Facebook and Twitter

funny-pictures-monorail-cat1 (1)I know Facebook and Twitter forever changed the political process and promises to usher in a new era of global citizenship. But, sometimes I just need a mind-numbing escape of drunken Vegas photos and cat memes. Now you can relive the old glory days of social media with a new Chrome web app that replaces Twitter and Facebook posts about Obama, Romney,and other serious political stuff with pictures of adorable cats. Roughly 1/5th of social media users admit to blocking politics-happy friends, so this app has a ready-made audience.


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Muslims begin hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

MOUNT ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia (AP) ? Hours before sunrise Thursday, thousands of Muslims from around the world stood in the dark on a rocky desert hill, preparing for prayers on the first day of the annual hajj pilgrimage, a central pillar of their faith.

Muslims believe that prayer on Mount Arafat is their best chance to erase past sins and start anew.

The four-day hajj features millions packed shoulder to shoulder in prayer and supplication. According to Islam, each able-bodied believer must make the pilgrimage once.

"Let all your feuds be abolished," the Prophet Muhammad said in his last sermon on the hill called Jabal al-Rahman, Mountain of Mercy, in the area of Mount Arafat. "You must know that every Muslim is the brother of every Muslim...between Muslims there are no races and no not oppress and do not be oppressed."

Some 1,400 years later, Muslims believe on this day and at this place, the gates of heaven are open for prayers to be answered and sins to be forgiven.

"I have feelings that cannot be described in words. We thank God for the chance to perform the hajj here and visit God's house in Mecca," said Mustafa Daama, 27, from Mauritania.

On other parts of the mountain, Muslims chanted in unison, "Labayk Allahuma Labayk," or "Here I am, God, answering your call. Here I am."

Muslims believe the hajj traces the paths of the Prophets Abraham, Ishmael and Muhammad. The hajj typically concludes as it began, with a set of rituals at the Kaaba, the cube-shaped structure in Mecca's Grand Mosque that observant Muslims around the world face in prayer five times a day.

Technology and the modern world have changed the atmosphere surrounding the hajj.

For centuries, the rocky mountain was a quiet place for contemplation and serene prayers. Now it is crowded with pilgrims pushing and shoving to take pictures with their iPads and mobile phones.

Adding to the tumult, ultraconservative men with loudspeakers yelled at pilgrims to stop crowding the hill, saying the whole area of Mount Arafat is sacred and that men and women should avoid the inevitable brushes of physical contact.

Ignoring their calls, many pilgrims were uploading their pictures online from the hilltop to share instantly with friends and family, while others used touch screens to read the Quran, rather than carrying it in printed form.

Casually dressed photographer Bandar Maarouf, 22, from Yemen, stood out from the sea of pilgrim men who wear white seamless garments and seamless sandals meant to represent equality and unity.

Wearing a bright pink shirt, low slung jeans and a hat turned sideways, he was taking photos for pilgrims at around $3 apiece. His camera prints the photos on the spot. He expected to sell at least 400 photos on Thursday.

"This season helps a person live. (I earn) some from here and there, and God is always giving," he said.

Some of the pilgrims' prayers had to do with current events.

Carrying a large Sudanese flag, Mohamed Ali said he was praying for an end to the civil war in Syria and victory for rebels over President Bashar Assad. "Victory is close, God willing," Ali said.

"May God bring Muslims together and help us unify, and help our Christian brothers, even those who made the film against the Prophet Muhammad," he said, referring to a movie that sparked violent protests last month around the Islamic world.

Others had more personal prayers.

An Egyptian mother of three, Nadia Abdel Aziz, appealed emotionally to God to make her children behave more kindly toward her. The 65-year-old widow said she was able to perform the hajj with the help of donations from a mosque in Cairo.

"O God! I want my kids to come and see me and be sensitive toward me, as I see with other families," she cried.

With her arms outstretched, she begged God for salvation, wiping a stream of tears from her face.

Saudi officials say about 3.4 million Muslims from all corners of the world are making the pilgrimage this year.

A sea of millions dressed in white, some waving their national flags, stretched for miles in the area of Mount Arafat, many chanting in unison, their prayers echoing.

Mount Arafat, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) east of Mecca, is a required stop for Muslims during the hajj.

As the sun and temperatures rose Thursday, tens of thousands of pilgrims began climbing the Mountain of Mercy.

By sunset, pilgrims head to Muzdalifa, where Muslims believe prophets before Muhammad once prayed. They collect pebbles there and then walk or drive to nearby Mina for a symbolic stoning of the devil that begins Friday and marks the start of Eid al-Adha, or feast of the sacrifice, when Muslims slaughter lambs to feed the hungry.

Hajj rules ? based on centuries of interpretation of the Sunna, the traditions of Muhammad ? are extremely elaborate. Pilgrims must all gather at certain sites at specific times. Some rites are repeated, others are partially repeated and some performed only once.

Many pilgrims being their journey in the Saudi Arabian city of Medina with a visit to Muhammad's mosque, where he is buried. They then head to Mecca and perform a set of pre-hajj rituals, including circling the Kaaba counterclockwise with their hearts tilted toward it ? the same rituals that conclude the hajj for many.


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Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office east bank crime report, Oct. 23 ...

This information reflects initial calls for service reported by the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office for the east bank of Jefferson Parish. Locations are approximate due to automated location methods and address inconsistencies, the Sheriff's Office says. Burglar alarm calls are excluded.
8700 block of 26th Street - Oct. 22, 11:04 a.m., criminal damage.
3200 block of 36th Street - Oct. 22, 10:44 a.m., disturbing the peace.
6600 block of Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 12:35 p.m., theft.
7900 block of Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 2:18 p.m., theft.
Airline Drive and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:16 a.m., assault.
Airline Drive and David Drive - Oct. 22, 10:58 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3000 block of Andover Street - Oct. 22, 8:21 a.m., criminal damage.
3000 block of Andover Street - Oct. 22, 9:00 a.m., criminal damage.
3000 block of Andover Street - Oct. 22, 9:12 a.m., criminal damage.
1000 block of Aris Avenue - Oct. 22, 4:35 p.m., vehicle burglary.
400 block of Athania Parkway - Oct. 22, 9:48 a.m., theft.
4900 block of Avron Boulevard - Oct. 22, 9:52 a.m., theft.
4600 block of Beau Lac Lane - Oct. 22, 1:26 p.m., suspicious person.
8900 block of Belle Grove Place - Oct. 22, 7:22 p.m., criminal damage.
300 block of Betz Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:37 p.m., residence burglary.
700 block of Blanche Avenue - Oct. 22, 9:00 p.m., vehicle burglary.
2200 block of Blk Caswell Lane - Oct. 22, 4:47 p.m., disturbing the peace.
1200 block of Blk Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 8:15 p.m., disturbing the peace.
400 block of Blk Lake Avenue - Oct. 22, 4:02 p.m., criminal damage.
300 block of Blk Lynnette Drive - Oct. 22, 2:46 p.m., suspicious person.
500 block of Blk Richard Avenue - Oct. 22, 4:02 p.m., suspicious person.
4500 block of Blk Southshore Drive - Oct. 22, 12:37 p.m., suspicious person.
Bonnabel Boulevard and Feronia Street - Oct. 22, 12:46 p.m., disturbing the peace.
2300 block of North Causeway Boulevard - Oct. 22, 9:38 a.m., vehicle burglary.
North Causeway Boulevard and Interstate 10 - Oct. 22, 10:19 p.m., drug law violation.
Citrus Boulevard and Dickory Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:50 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Citrus Boulevard and River Oaks Road East - Oct. 22, 7:06 a.m., vehicle wreck.
1100 block of South Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:05 p.m., theft.
2200 block of Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 1:27 a.m., suspicious person.
2200 block of Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 1:10 p.m., theft.
Clearview Parkway and Calumet Street - Oct. 22, 12:55 a.m., suspicious person.
Clearview Parkway and Camel Street - Oct. 22, 5:16 p.m., vehicle wreck.
Clearview Parkway and Interstate 10 - Oct. 22, 6:18 a.m., vehicle wreck.
Clearview Parkway and Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 3:39 p.m., vehicle wreck.
2200 block of Cleary Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:13 p.m., business burglary.
Cleary Avenue and 17th Street - Oct. 22, 1:05 a.m., suspicious person.
900 block of David Drive - Oct. 22, 5:19 p.m., vehicle burglary.
2000 block of Dickory Avenue - Oct. 22, 7:43 a.m., criminal damage.
3400 block of Edenborn Avenue - Oct. 22, 9:35 p.m., disturbing the peace.
1400 block of Edwards Avenue - Oct. 22, 7:06 a.m., vehicle burglary.
4300 block of Englewood Street - Oct. 22, 10:22 a.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and Craig Avenue - Oct. 22, 6:25 p.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and James Drive - Oct. 22, 8:43 a.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and North Woodlawn Avenue - Oct. 22, 7:49 a.m., vehicle wreck.
West Esplanade Avenue and Transcontinental Drive - Oct. 22, 5:11 p.m., vehicle wreck.
200 block of Georgia Court - Oct. 22, 10:12 a.m., vehicle burglary.
4300 block of Grace King Place - Oct. 22, 3:04 p.m., theft.
9200 block of Hermitage Place - Oct. 22, 5:40 p.m., criminal damage.
4200 block of Hessmer Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:16 a.m., battery.
Hickory Avenue and Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 8:13 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3100 block of Houma Boulevard - Oct. 22, 5:13 p.m., disturbing the peace.
200 block of Iona Street - Oct. 22, 6:13 p.m., vehicle wreck.
100 block of Jefferson Heights Avenue - Oct. 22, 10:10 p.m., battery.
Jefferson Highway and Labarre Place - Oct. 22, 2:04 p.m., suspicious person.
Jefferson Highway and Shrewsbury Court - Oct. 22, 11:08 p.m., suspicious person.
Jefferson Highway and Terrace Street - Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m., suspicious person.
600 block of Jefferson Street - Oct. 22, 8:56 a.m., theft.
Kawanee Avenue and Harvard Avenue - Oct. 22, 5:56 a.m., disturbing the peace.
300 block of L and A Road - Oct. 22, 3:15 p.m., burglary.
Labarre Road and Airline Drive - Oct. 22, 3:27 a.m., illegal discharge of weapon.
1100 block of Lake Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:06 a.m., vehicle wreck.
2900 block of Lake Villa Drive - Oct. 22, 2:11 a.m., disturbing the peace.
West Metairie Avenue and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:58 a.m., suspicious person.
West Napoleon Avenue and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:36 a.m., disturbing the peace.
West Napoleon Avenue and David Drive - Oct. 22, 6:53 p.m., suspicious person.
West Napoleon Avenue and Richland Avenue - Oct. 22, 2:57 p.m., disturbing the peace.
West Napoleon Avenue and Severn Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:47 a.m., vehicle wreck.
11100 block of Newton Street - Oct. 22, 5:19 p.m., drug law violation.
1500 block of Palm Street - Oct. 22, 12:18 p.m., suspicious person.
1500 block of Palm Street - Oct. 22, 2:56 p.m., suspicious person.
300 block of Papworth Avenue - Oct. 22, 1:57 p.m., theft.
100 block of Raspberry Street - Oct. 22, 6:57 a.m., criminal damage.
600 block of Richard Avenue - Oct. 22, 5:48 p.m., disturbing the peace.
6300 block of Riverside Drive - Oct. 22, 12:29 p.m., disturbing the peace.
Roberta Street and Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 12:25 p.m., vehicle wreck.
400 block of Sadie Avenue - Oct. 22, 10:59 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3000 block of Sam Lenoux Street - Oct. 22, 1:34 p.m., suspicious person.
1900 block of Sandra Avenue - Oct. 22, 11:23 a.m., criminal damage.
2100 block of Sandra Avenue - Oct. 22, 3:00 a.m., suspicious person.
1000 block of Severn Avenue - Oct. 22, 9:57 p.m., criminal damage.
Severn Avenue and West Esplanade Avenue North - Oct. 22, 3:00 p.m., suspicious person.
600 block of Sizeler Avenue - Oct. 22, 12:33 a.m., disturbing the peace.
4700 block of Trenton Street - Oct. 22, 1:09 p.m., vehicle wreck.
3000 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 10:51 a.m., vehicle wreck.
3300 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 8:34 p.m., theft.
8800 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard - Oct. 22, 5:37 p.m., theft.
Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Clearview Parkway - Oct. 22, 2:23 a.m., assault.
Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Cleary Avenue - Oct. 22, 10:02 a.m., vehicle wreck.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Police link Colo. girl's killing to jogger attack

This image provided by the Westminster Colorado Police Department shows Jessica Ridgeway, who went missing on her way to school on Oct. 5. A body found in a suburban Denver park was identified Friday, Oct. 12, 2012, as that of the missing 10-year-old girl, as anxious parents kept close watch over their children because of the potential presence of a predator in their midst, authorities said. (AP Photo/Westminster Colorado Police Department)

This image provided by the Westminster Colorado Police Department shows Jessica Ridgeway, who went missing on her way to school on Oct. 5. A body found in a suburban Denver park was identified Friday, Oct. 12, 2012, as that of the missing 10-year-old girl, as anxious parents kept close watch over their children because of the potential presence of a predator in their midst, authorities said. (AP Photo/Westminster Colorado Police Department)

Flowers and photographs of Jessica adorn the altar during a memorial service for 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway at Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada, Colo., on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. More than 2,000 friends, family and community members gathered Tuesday to remember Ridgeway who was abducted Oct. 5 on her way to school in suburban Denver. Even as the public memorial was held, multiple agencies were checking leads and asking for more tips in their hunt for Jessica Ridgeway's killer. (AP Photo/The Denver Post, Kathryn Scott Osler)

Friends and family gather at the altar just befor the start of a memorial service for 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway at Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. More than 2,000 friends, family and community members gathered Tuesday to remember Ridgeway who was abducted Oct. 5 on her way to school in suburban Denver. Even as the public memorial was held, multiple agencies were checking leads and asking for more tips in their hunt for Jessica Ridgeway's killer. (AP Photo/The Denver Post, Kathryn Scott Osler)

(AP) ? Police said Tuesday the abduction and killing of a 10-year-old girl in suburban Denver this month is connected to a May kidnapping attempt in which a woman fought off a stranger who grabbed her from behind and put a rag over her mouth that smelled of chemicals.

The 22-year-old woman was jogging when a man attacked her May 28, Memorial Day, authorities said. It happened at a lake near the Westminster elementary school where Jessica Ridgeway was headed when she disappeared Oct. 5.

Jessica's body was found Oct. 10 in a nearby field.

Police didn't say why they believe the two cases are related. But Westminster investigator Trevor Materasso said Tuesday authorities are looking for a suspect in both attacks who they describe as a "light-skinned man" between 18 and his mid-30s of average height and build.

"That's starting to create a black-and-white silhouette that, with evidence, we'll eventually be able to put a face to," Materasso said.

The jogger attack happened at Ketner Lake. Several trails leading to the lake and a surrounding open-space park are across the street from Witt Elementary School, where Jessica was headed when she was abducted.

Police said the man who attacked the jogger put a rag that smelled of chemicals over her mouth, but she managed to fight him off. Materasso said investigators haven't been able to determine if the substance on the rag was meant to subdue the woman.

"It could have been a rag from a garage or something," Materasso said.

Based on the proximity of the two cases, investigators believe the suspect is familiar with the area, either because he lived in the neighborhood in the past, has friends or family there, or has frequented the area for business or recreation.

More than 1,000 officers and 10 agencies, including the FBI, have investigated the case, following up on more than 4,000 leads.

With Jessica's killer still at large, high school students have volunteered to walk younger students to class to keep them safe and more parents are waiting at bus stops with their children and dropping them off at school.

The number of suspected abduction attempts reported to police also has increased, possibly because more children and parents are on alert for suspicious behavior.

Police have not ruled out two child enticement cases reported in Arvada in September or an attempted abduction of a woman Oct. 16 in Aurora.

Authorities also are methodically looking at sex offenders in the neighborhood, both registered and unregistered; reports of lewd or suspicious behavior; and cases involving crimes that have not yet been prosecuted.

"We don't want the community to focus on sex offenders who have cooperated with the law," Materasso said. "We're asking the community to focus on odd behavior."

Information about clues found so far and released to the public include the discovery of Jessica's backpack in Superior, about 7 miles northwest of her house, and a 1-inch by 1 1/2-inch cross that Materasso said is a "pivotal piece" of information.

"We're more focused on both an individual and a cross," Materasso said.

In response to requests from the public, police are working with Metro Denver Crime Stoppers to establish a reward fund for information leading to the arrest of Jessica's killer.

Associated Press


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Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding in skin cancer scare

Posted Oct 23rd 2012 at 10:00AM

Sarah Harding Girls Alouds Sarah Harding in skin cancer scare

Girls Aloud?s Sarah Harding is reportedly in the grips of a skin cancer scare.

Harding had three potentially cancerous moles removed from her back last Wednesday (October 17) ? just two days before reuniting with Girls Aloud at a press conference in London.

According to The Sun, Harding will find out this week whether or not she has the disease, but doctors are said to be ?very hopeful? that they have removed the moles in time. Phew.

A source told The Sun that Harding is understandably ?stressing? about the situation:

??This is an incredibly stressful time for her. It?s early days and the doctors are very positive ? but the word ?cancer? is terrifying to hear and Sarah is naturally stressing about it.?

Harding?s band mates ? Cheryl Cole, Kimberley Walsh, Nadine Coyle and Nicola Roberts ? are fully supporting her during this tough time, the source added:

??The girls are completely behind her. Some of the fans have suggested she hasn?t been enthusiastic about the tour, but the girls have told her not to stress because she?ll only run herself down and make herself sick.?

We hope everything is okay, that way we can all get back to being super excited about Girls Aloud?s big return.

The band reunited in London on Friday (October 19) to announce a brand new greatest hits collection, Ten ? out November 26 ? and a 12-date arena tour in 2013.

The girls also unveiled the sassy official video for their comeback single, ?Something New. Check it out below!


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Armstrong removes Tour titles from Twitter bio

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) ? Having won seven Tour de France titles is no longer part of Lance Armstrong's Twitter profile.

As late as Monday night, Armstrong's bio on the social media site included a mention of his seven Tour wins from 1999-2005, but reference to the race was removed hours after he was stripped of the titles by the International Cycling Union and banned from the sport for life for his involvement in what the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency described as a massive doping program.

Early Tuesday, Armstrong's profile said: "Raising my five kids. Fighting Cancer. Swim, bike, run and golf whenever I can." Previously, the profile said: "Father of 5 amazing kids, 7-time Tour de France winner, full time cancer fighter, part time triathlete."

The Twitter change was the only immediate reaction from Armstrong to the UCI's decision to take away his titles.

Armstrong has been a prolific user of Twitter and has nearly 3,800,000 followers on his page. His most recent tweet was on Oct. 17 when he announced he would stand down as chairman of the Livestrong cancer-awareness charity he founded.

Armstrong has steadfastly denied doping, but chose not to fight USADA in one of the agency's arbitration hearings, arguing the process was rigged against him.

On Monday, the UCI emphatically threw its support behind USADA, ending a saga that brought down the most decorated rider in Tour history and exposed widespread cheating in professional cycling.

"Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling, and he deserves to be forgotten in cycling," UCI President Pat McQuaid said. "Make no mistake, it's a catastrophe for him, and he has to face up to that."

Tour de France organizers said they will not give Armstrong's former titles to other riders, leaving a seven-year gap on the honor roll of the sport's biggest event during an era the USADA report showed was rife with doping.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

New Apps Worth Downloading: Tracks, White Pages, High Stakes Politics

A couple of today?s new apps will be handy if you have a week of social activities ahead of you. Tracks is all about sharing photos and creating group albums with your friends, while WhitePages is packed with information about businesses and people in your area. High Stakes Politics can give you a breather from the upcoming presidential election, by turning your knowledge of government (and government scandals) into a game.

TracksWhat?s it about? Create shared photo albums with friends in an easy-to-use social network. When you and your friends take photos of an event (or whatever), you can all share them together to create an album called a Track, and there are other social features centered around sharing and viewing photos with your pals.

What?s cool? There are quite a few apps that allow you to share photos, both individually and in albums with friends, so Tracks is expanding into other social areas related to the idea. One is Joinable Tracks, which are groups of public photos with a unifying topic, which you can follow and view and to which you can even contribute. Magic Tracks lets the app pull photos from your device and automatically make albums out of them.

Who?s it for? Take a lot of photos? Spend a lot of time snapping shots with your friends? Tracks was designed for you. Grab the app, add a few friends, and you can share all those images in some fun and collaborative ways.

What?s it like? The social network elephant in the room, Facebook, is at least similar in a few ways to Tracks, as are some other photo-sharing apps, such as PhotoCircle.

WhitePagesWhat?s it about? With all the information about a given area you expect to find in a phone book, WhitePages provides restaurant info and menus, phone numbers and addresses for businesses, and a local search option that can help you find the stores for which you?re looking.

What?s cool? The newly updated WhitePages packs a number of handy features. Among the most interesting are the ability connect with your neighbors with the app?s new Nearby People feature, and other social options like sharing your destinations with friends via Twitter and Facebook while you?re out. There?s also an unlimited premium phone number lookup service that lets you see who?s calling you.

Who?s it for? Anyone who can benefit from information. Lifehacker has named WhitePages one of the best app for increasing productivity, and if you?re looking to find people or places near you (or elsewhere), WhitePages is a good place to start.

What?s it like? Apps such as Yelp and foursquare provide some of the same information about businesses, along with user reviews that can give you an idea of what to expect. You can also get some of the snazzy reverse phone lookup capabilities from Reverse Genie.

High Stakes PoliticsWhat?s it about? High Stakes Politics combines a political trivia game with betting fake currency, creating the ?high stakes? situation noted in the title. The game ranks your accuracy over time, which allows you to bet more and more ?money,? and you can use special Lifeline-style features that will help you eliminate wrong answers and give extra hints.

What?s cool? There?s quite a bit of political knowledge stored in this game, and for the most part, it seems accurate. Ranging from the ins and outs of how the presidential election works, to the various scandals that have been big in the news in the last few years, High Stakes Politics covers a lot of ground. It also presents everything, from questions about budget to questions about presidential affairs, with a light-hearted, irreverent tone that makes it pretty funny.

Who?s it for? Fans of politics who would like a break from the more intense parts of the upcoming U.S. presidential election, this is an app that can be a lot of fun. It?ll test your knowledge on lots of different things -- some of which are based on issues or important government knowledge, some not -- but overall, the game is quirky and informative.

What?s it like? Other trivia games such as Speed Trivia and Who Becomes Rich can be a lot of fun, but they don?t always have the political bent that High Stakes Politics does. For more political info, try Politcal Junkie and NPR News & Politics Podcaster.

Download the Appolicious Android app


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Illinois congressmen visits ailing Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., says he's en route to Mayo Clinic (Star Tribune)

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Pre-Orders For AT&T Windows Phone 8 HTC And Nokia Handsets Begin At Best Buy

Screen Shot 2012-10-21 at 10.43.06 AMBest Buy started accepting pre-orders today for the AT&T Nokia Lumia 920 and HTC 8X Windows Phone devices. Pricing details are also now available, with the Lunia 920 available for $149.99 on a new 2-year contract, and $599.99 without commitment. The 8X is $99.99 on contract, and $599.99 without, meaning those interested can get on board with Windows Phone 8 for $50 less with HTC.


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Dream Homes on the Waterfront | Hawaii Real Estate - A complete ...

Whether it?s the spectacular views, beach strolls or ocean sports, sunrises or sunsets, owning a home on the beach is the holy grail of Hawaii?s real estate ? and something most people dream of. Not surprisingly, the oceanfront homes on Oahu are just as unique as the people who dream about them.

?When buyers look for a waterfront home, they usually have very specific things they?re looking for. They have particular tastes, or aesthetics, or goals in mind,? says Glen Fujihara, REALTOR and Fine Home Premier Specialist at Prudential Locations. ?Most buyers are looking for a turn-key opportunity: something beautiful that they can walk into without having to build or remodel.?

Fujihara says that many off-island buyers come for vacation for a few weeks and plan to find their beach home during that time. ?With that short window of time, as an agent, you need to understand their desires, their needs and their goals. You need to know about the unique real estate considerations of oceanfront and luxury homes, so you can provide your buyer with expertise right on the spot, when you?re there viewing a property.?

The challenge in buying a beachfront property often lies in how few are available for sale. ?There are a lot of buyers out there waiting for that perfect property at that perfect price. As an agent, to get those two things aligned can take some time,? says Bonnie Coen, REALTOR and Fine Home Specialist also at Prudential Locations. ?The inventory in oceanfront homes ? and fine homes in general ? is low, so when a beautiful home priced right comes on the market, it sells fast.?

Dolores Bediones, the REALTOR and Fine Homes Premier Specialist who recently represented the buyer of the highest recorded residential sale on Oahu, explains that multiple buyers were competing for that oceanfront home as it hit the market. ?There are buyers ready and capable. They are right there when it?s something very special, as this iconic home was.?

If you?ve dreamed of sand and surf, working with an agent with expertise in ocean-front homes can help you land your perfect property.

Here are a few beachfront homes available today:

On the bright, sunny East side, where cool trade winds blow, lies a Philip White-designed gem. Indoor and outdoor living blend seam-lessly here, surrounded by tropical landscaping. Moving from the lanai to the luxurious pool to the beach is as easy as slipping off your towel. A 4-car garage and spacious studio complete this special home, which was designed to be ?green.?


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

John Cerbone's Future Innovative Hypnotic Techniques Training ...

Must have break-through Hypnosis needs you just have to have for your professional practice, for clinical, stage, and demos - featuring, Speed Induction, Covert Hypnosis for session Improvement, and numerous additional breakthrough methods to make the mind, an automatic self-improvement machine. Come and create the next high-impact steps in your Hypnosis Career with a leading Innovator in the profession of hypnosis.


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Changes for the Better Regarding Foreclosures | Tampa Real Estate ...

image of foreclosure signThe rumble about reductions in foreclosures in Tampa, FL has been going around for a few months and recent figures from CoreLogic support that news. While there were 75,000 completed foreclosures in the United States for August 2011, the national total for August 2012 was only 57,000.

On a state level, Florida was second (California earned first place) in completed foreclosures, with nearly 12 percent of the those in the nation from August 2011 through 2012. The foreclosure inventory for the state, which includes any mortgaged home in some part of foreclosure, fell just slightly over one percent in that 12-month period.

According to records, there has been a drop of completed foreclosures from May through August. An extensive loan modification program had some influence, as homeowners qualified for lower interest and lower payments. That allowed them to retain their property and build more equity, since more of the payment goes towards the principal. In addition, some properties qualified for a reduction of principal if payments were made timely, another reason to make payments timely.

There is still the option of a short sale, as well as buyers with cash or ready financing to get the home of their choice.

Florida had the highest foreclosure inventory at 11 percent of all mortgaged homes, followed by New Jersey at 6.5 percent. That is yet another reason for those looking at bank-owned properties in Tampa and the area around it to act as soon as possible. The bargains are still available, but the numbers are dropping. Of course, that is a good sign for the current homeowner and hopefully the trend will continue.


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State Health Officials Confirm First Seasonal Flu Cases - Potomac ...

Four Baltimore-area children are the first confirmed cases of seasonal influenza, according to state health officials.

The four children, who are not being identified, are said to be doing well though one was hospitalized, according to a statement released Friday by the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

The first confirmed case in 2011 was reported on December 30, health officials said.

"Flu is here earlier this year than last year, and we are seeing two different flu strains,? Frances Phillips, deputy secretary of Public Health Services, said in the statement. ?This really stresses the importance of getting the flu vaccine, and getting it as soon as possible. Fortunately, there is plenty of vaccine to go around.?

Influenza spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing and direct contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces or objects. Symptoms usually begin one to four days after being exposed to the virus, and include fever, body aches, fatigue, coughing, and sore throat, according to state health officials, according to the release.

Yearly vaccinations are important because the strains of influenza that circulate change over time.

State health officials recommend the following people be vaccinated:?

  • Children 6 months to 18 years of age.
  • Persons 50 years of age and older.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Persons of any age with chronic medical conditions.
  • Persons undergoing therapy, or with a condition that may weaken their immune systems.
  • Persons caring for someone in these groups should also be vaccinated to avoid spreading the disease to them including healthcare workers, household contacts of individuals at risk for complications from the flu, and daycare or school workers.?

The heatlh department release offered the following tips to people who believe they have the flu.

  • Contact your healthcare provider for management of flu symptoms or treatment of any complications.
  • Get rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers and wash your hands often.
  • Avoid crowded places like shopping malls or public transportation.

State health officials also urge people to "avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals or other settings where people with other conditions may get your flu and be affected severely. Stay home from work or school whenever possible to avoid spreading the flu to your friends and coworkers."

Weekly updates on influenza activity in the state can be found on the state health department website.

The state has also set-up an internet-based influenza tracking survey to monitor influenza-like illnesses in people "who may not seek medical care," according to the release.

Residents can participate in the influenza survey by signing up on the department website.


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Tribunal raps GDA over auction of green patch - Real Estate India

??|?? October 20, 2012 ?? 09:58am ??|Contributed by manoja

GHAZIABAD: The Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA) was ordered by the National Green Tribunal on Friday that it has to follow the ?due process of law? for felling down any tree located over a 250 sqm plot in Raj Nagar which is being allotted for setting up of commercial shops.

The orders were passed by the tribunal on Friday upon a petition filed by RWA members of Raj Nagar opposing allotment of the ?green patch? for commercial purposes.

Residents have alleged in the petition that the land-use pattern of the plot is not clearly mentioned in the master plan and that the GDA has in the past designated several land uses for it. The plot has remained unused for over three decades.

The principal bench of the tribunal, which ordered that it ?may be indicated in the allotment order that the trees standing over the plot should not be felled without following due process of the law?, has also ordered that the auction conducted by GDA in respect of the ?disputed plot? would be subject to the final outcome of the petition.

The auction, as per a notice issued by the GDA last month, was scheduled for October 19. The tribunal has issued a notice to the GDA seeking its response to the allegations levelled by residents.

Residents have alleged that despite several representations made to the GDA, there has been no clear-cut response on the exact nature of land use of the plot. ?The Authority has kept residents in the dark over the nature of land use of this plot,? said RWA member Dr Nira Bhan, senior consultant with a private hospital in Noida.

?All we were told after several queries is that this green patch is the same plot which has been put up for auction,? she added.

Residents have argued that the plot of land is home to around 25 full grown trees including Ashoka, Neem and Teak, and have opposed to their felling to set up commercial shops on the ground that they already have easy access to big markets nearby.

?The Raj Nagar District Centre, an upscale commercial hub, is at a walking distance from our sector. We do not want our locality to be crowded with petty shops at the cost of its green lungs,? added Dr Bhan.

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Fungal meningitis outbreak isn't the first

The growing illnesses and deaths blamed on tainted pain shots from a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy may be the worst such outbreak of fungal meningitis in U.S. history -- but it?s not the first. Five people were sickened and one died in a similar outbreak in 2002.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Should You Accept Guest Posts? | Search Engine Journal

It?s no secret in the SEO world that Google?s recent Panda and Penguin algorithm updates have killed off a number of backlink building techniques that were effective in the past. And with the elimination of these low-value tactics, SEOs have turned to linking strategies that focus more on providing value and building meaningful relationships between websites. In particular, SEOs are focusing more on one technique than ever before:?the process of guest posting.

But while the specifics on how to find and secure guest posting gigs have been pretty well covered online, what about the inverse of this proposition? How should you handle being approached by other guest post authors who are interested in posting their content to your blog?

While it may be tempting to say ?Yes? to anyone who wants to provide you with free content for your site, there are a number of different things you?ll want to keep in mind when determining whether or not to accept guest posts on your website. Specifically, consider the following advantages and disadvantages before opening your site up to this promotional technique:


Guest posting reduces your writing burden

Every time you choose to publish a guest article on your website, that?s one post you don?t need to invest effort into writing. For busy website owners, the idea of being able to take a break from the constant ?write-edit-publish? schedule of running a successful blog can provide a welcome relief, as well as the time needed to focus on other priorities.

Guest posting allows you to leverage knowledge in other areas of expertise

Though I?m sure you?re smart, you aren?t likely an expert on every aspect of your chosen niche. As a result, your website is probably lacking content in key subject areas that would benefit your readers. When it comes to filling these gaps, you have two options: You can either commit an extensive amount of time to researching and writing articles on these topics or you can solicit guest posts from other site owners who have extensive experience in your weaker areas.

As you might expect, going with the guest posting route can save you a significant amount of time!

Guest posting can increase your perceived authority

Publishing guest posts on your website earns you a certain amount of industry cachet, especially if you?re able to secure articles from prominent figures within your niche.

When website visitors arrive on your website and see guest posts, they see you as someone with strong enough industry connections that other authors find it beneficial to share their work on your site. After all, as a website owner, you wouldn?t waste time posting your guest content on young, unestablished blogs.

In this way, receiving requests for guest posts indicates that you?ve gained clout within your industry, making their publication an indication to your readers that you?re an authority figure within your chosen field.


Guest posting may dilute your message

Now, while accepting guest articles may help to increase your perceived authority, you?ll want to use caution when posting them to your site.

As a website owner, one of your goals should be to develop a memorable voice and a series of helpful content pieces that enable readers to build a relationship with your brand. But by posting too many guest articles, you dilute the very voice you?re trying to create, making it more difficult for readers to understand and engage with your site?s unique message.

Guest posting funnels visitors away from your website

In addition, most of the guest articles you accept will come with a caveat, that the original author be allowed to link back to his or her own website. And while this is often a worthwhile trade-off in exchange for free content, be aware that every guest post you publish will divert visitors away from your own sales funnels and onto competing websites (where they can?t make you any money).

Guest posting requires editorial effort

Finally, bear in mind that deciding to accept guest posts isn?t as simple as ?copy and pasting? other authors? content into your own website. As soon as you open your doors to guest articles, you?ll be on the hook for corresponding with authors on potential topics, reviewing posts that are submitted to you and coordinating any necessary changes to ensure that the articles you accept meet your stringent quality guidelines.

Given all these different factors, it?s up to individual webmasters to determine whether or not to open their sites up to guest articles.? However, if you do decide to go down this road, you?ll want to pay attention to the following advice in order to make the process as easy and rewarding as possible:

1.?Establish your guest posting terms

First of all, be aware that deciding to accept guest post submissions doesn?t mean that you must say ?Yes? to anyone and everyone who contacts you to arrange a guest article. It?s perfectly fine to limit the number of posts you?ll accept. In fact, it?s recommended that you do!

To avoid allowing guest authors to dilute your voice on your own website, consider limiting guest posts to no more than one to three slots per month. Also consider establishing quality guidelines up front that specify how long posts should be, how many links can be included in each article, and what subjects can be covered in order to minimize unqualified requests.

2.?Create a ?Guest Author? page on your website

Next, with your newly established list of guest posting terms, create a separate page on your website that explains your complete guest article process. Plenty of webmasters use search queries that include the words ?guest post? or ?guest author? to find potential submission sites, so setting up this type of page in advance will help increase your exposure to a wider audience of authors (as well as eliminate any confusion about what you expect from your guest authors).

3.?Don?t be afraid to reject guest post submissions

As you begin to receive guest posting inquiries or submissions, be aware that you?ll likely receive a handful of articles that don?t meet your quality expectations. The articles may be off-topic, poorly-written, or lack the depth of subject matter you desire. But whatever the case, you need to become comfortable with rejecting posts that run afoul of your editorial guidelines.

It isn?t easy or fun to do, but it?s best to address these situations head on. Instead of letting status update queries sit unanswered in your inbox, follow up with authors whose posts won?t work for your site in order to inform them of the situation and let them know whether you?re outright rejecting their pieces or if changes could be made to make their articles acceptable for your site.

4.?Reach out to guest authors on other industry websites

If you?re having trouble attracting qualified guest post submissions, consider reaching out to website owners that have posted good articles on the industry sites you frequent. In many cases, these webmasters haven?t heard of your business before, but will jump at the chance to promote their content on your website.

5.?Pair up with guest authors to create reciprocal exchanges

One final piece of advice to consider when it comes to getting the most out of your site?s guest authors is to request that webmasters who submit content allow you to exchange a reciprocal post for their websites. As a business owner, leveraging these connections in order to increase your own online exposure can present a welcome trade-off for the time needed to manage your own internal guest posting program.

Clearly, these recommendations come from my own experience managing websites and soliciting guest posts, but now, I want to hear from you. Do you allow guest posts on your website? If so, share your words of advice for webmasters who are thinking about doing the same in the comments section below!

Sujan Patel is the co-founder of Single Grain, an SEO Agency based in San Francisco, CA. Single Grain specializes in helping start ups and Fortune 500 companies with their digital marketing strategy. You should follow Sujan on Twitter.


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Cheesy Tater Tot Casserole Recipe | Budget Savvy Diva



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What You Need

32 oz of Frozen Tater Tots

1 Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup Condensed

1/2 Teaspoon of Minced Onions Dried

1/2 Teaspoon of Pepper

1/2 Teaspoon of garlic powder

1.5 Cups of Cheddar Cheese ? shredded

What To Do

Preheat the oven to 450

In a large bowl mix all the ingredients except 1/2 cup of cheese

In a lightly greased casserole ( I suggest 8?8 or similar- remember cooking time will depend on what size casserole dish you select)? place the tater tot mixture. Cover with the rest of the cheese. Cover the whole dish with foil and bake for about 30 minutes. Uncover and cook till cheese is melted. Make sure the dish is heated through.


Cheesy Tater Tot Casserole Recipe

Recipe type: Main

Author: Sara @ Budget Savvy Diva

Prep time: 4 mins

Cook time: 35 mins

Total time: 39 mins

Serves: 4 ? 5

  • 32 oz of Frozen Tater Tots
  • 1 Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup Condensed
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of Minced Onions Dried
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of Pepper
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1.5 Cups of Cheddar Cheese ? shredded
  1. Preheat the oven to 450
  2. In a large bowl mix all the ingredients except 1/2 cup of cheese
  3. In a lightly greased casserole ( I suggest 8?8 or similar- remember cooking time will depend on what size casserole dish you select) place the tater tot mixture. Cover with the rest of the cheese. Cover the whole dish with foil and bake for about 30 minutes. Uncover and cook till cheese is melted. Make sure the dish is heated through.
  4. Enjoy


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Outdoor Calendar - The Sports Desk

Oct. 20: Rappahannock River Bass Restocking Pig Roast Fundraiser, 2?7 p.m., Fredericksburg Fairgrounds. Live music. $20/person with kids under 12 free. Contact Bruce Lee, 540/226-2047.

Oct. 27: Blue Ridge (Warrenton Area) Ducks Unlimited Dinner. 5:30?10 p.m. Fauquier Fairgrounds, Old Auburn Road, Warrenton. Dinner, open bar, raffles, auctions. $50/single; $90/couple. For ticket info, contact

Oct. 27: Virginia Deer Hunters Association Fredericksburg/Northern Neck Chapter 12th annual Fall Fundraiser. White Oak Fire Dept., 12 Newton Road, Falmouth. 3?9 p.m. Dinner, auctions, raffles. $20; Children 15 and under free. Association membership, $25. Call 775-7294 or 834-9620 for ticket details.

Oct. 27: Boat Virginia, Boating Safety Course. Marshall Center, 8800 Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania. Free. 8 a.m.?5 p.m. Pre-registration required. Students Virginia Boating Safety Card upon completion. To register, contact Dave Aitken at 540/894-0441 or For more on required boater safety courses, visit tion/requirement/steps-to-requirement.asp.

To register for a class, go to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fishing web site landing/VA. Upcoming classes:
Oct. 20: King George Parks and Recreation


Email the information, with subject line stating ?Outdoor Calendar,?
to Ken Perrotte at or mail it to Box 1069, King George, Va. 22485.


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Lawsuit claims evangelical church hid abuse claims

(AP) ? Three female plaintiffs claim an evangelical church group covered up allegations of sexual abuse against children, failed to report accusations to the police and discouraged its members from cooperating with law enforcement, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday.

The lawsuit was filed in Maryland state court against Sovereign Grace Ministries, a 30-year-old family of churches with more than 80 congregations. Most of its churches are in the U.S., but it also has planted congregations in other countries. The alleged abuse happened in Maryland and northern Virginia in the 1980s and 1990s.

The plaintiffs allege a conspiracy spanning more than two decades to conceal sexual abuse committed by church members. They accuse church representatives of permitting suspected pedophiles to interact with children, supplying them with free legal advice to avoid prosecution and forcing victims to meet with and "forgive" the person that had molested them.

"The facts show that the Church cared more about protecting its financial and institutional standing than about protecting children, its most vulnerable members," the lawsuit claims.

The church said in a statement late Wednesday that it had not been served with the lawsuit and couldn't comment on the allegations. But it said it considered child abuse "reprehensible and criminal."

"Sovereign Grace Ministries takes seriously the Biblical commands to pursue the protection and well being of all people, especially the most vulnerable in its midst, little children," the statement said.

The suit names as defendants about a half-dozen pastors and church officials who plaintiffs say were alerted to the accusations but either failed to take action or actively covered them up. One official said he hadn't seen the suit, and other defendants either did not immediately respond to phone messages or did not appear to have publicly listed phone numbers.

"Each time a pastor in Sovereign Grace Ministries chose to put the reputation of his church first by using his position to enable a pedophile to avoid appropriate criminal justice, that pastor jeopardized the safety and well-being of all children," the mother of one of the plaintiffs, all identified in the complaint by pseudonyms, said Wednesday.

The Associated Press does not generally identify possible victims of sexual abuse, and is not naming the mother to avoid identifying her daughter.

The lawsuit bears parallels to the allegations of priest sex abuse and the resulting cover-up that have rocked the Roman Catholic church over the last decade. But while that scandal centered on sex abuse by priests, the accusations in this case involve molestation by church members instead of clergy.

Sovereign Grace Ministries grew from its mother church in Gaithersburg, Md., in 1982. It moved its headquarters this year to Louisville, Ky., where it's also planting a new church. The group has struggled in recent years with fractured leadership and criticism over its discipline methods, especially the church's emphasis on sins, discipline and repentance. The lawsuit singles out the church's "Home Group" structure, in which children are provided with day care so that their parents can attend services, as fostering a poorly supervised environment that enabled the abuse to occur.

While the suit deals specifically with alleged abuse in Maryland and northern Virginia, the church has faced scrutiny on other occasions for its handling of sexual abuse claims, and Susan Burke, a lawyer representing the three plaintiffs, said there are other alleged victims prepared to join in the case too. And an April report by a non-profit Lutheran mediation group that studied the church for nine months found that while church leaders showed "care and concern" about sex abuse allegations, a number of people interviewed felt the claims were handled irresponsibly and were left with "disappointments and hurts."

The lawsuit centers on allegations of three female plaintiffs.

One of the three plaintiffs, a high school student in Virginia, alleges she was sexually assaulted when she was 3 years old and that the mother of the boy who abused her revealed the molestation to the church. But church officials discouraged her family from reporting the allegations to police and, instead, repeatedly interviewed the alleged abuser and worked with him and his mother to determine how best to prevent any prosecution and publicity regarding the abuse.

A second plaintiff, a college student in Maryland, was sexually abused as a toddler by a church member, the lawsuit claims. A pastor scolded her parents after they called police and then tipped off the accused that he had been reported, according to the lawsuit. Her parents were instructed to bring her to a meeting with her alleged abuser so they could be "reconciled," but she was "visibly scared and crawled under the chair" after being brought into the same room with him, the suit says.

The third plaintiff says her adoptive father, a member of the church, sexually abused her older sister for three and a half years. She says the church warned her mother not to pursue a prosecution, then kicked the family out of the church and denied the children reduced tuition to school. The man was ultimately prosecuted and imprisoned, the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit, filed in Montgomery County, Md., includes claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence and conspiracy, among others. It says there are other victims, both male and female, who have raised allegations but are not yet identified as named plaintiffs.

"We view the case as an important step in holding SGM accountable for its misdeeds," said Burke, the lawyer who represents the three plaintiffs and is also suing the military on behalf of female service members who say they were raped. "No institution can put its own financial concerns above the needs of vulnerable children."


Follow Eric Tucker at


Sovereign Grace Ministries:

Associated Press


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