Saturday, August 4, 2012

Why Write Product Reviews To Make Money?

Write product reviewsManufactured products are being used everywhere. Everyone makes use of at least a few products every day, from clothing items to electronic gadgets to consumer electronics such as microwave ovens and LCD TVs etc. Products also include digital gadgets, software, games, utilities, websites, services, and so on. All of these products are being used by consumers worldwide. What makes users stick to one brand or manufacturer through the years is their quality. And while manufacturers are constantly trying to improve their quality, they also want more and more people to know about their products. This is where product reviews come in. Product reviews help companies publicize their products, and expand their reach. For this purpose, some companies pay people to write products reviews. Let?s look at how you can write product reviews and earn money.

Why write product reviews?

Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. People will go for a product if enough people are recommending. And if someone they trust recommends it to them, then it?s most likely a yes. This is why companies are paying people to recommend their products to others.

Another reason companies are turning towards product reviews is, people no longer trust?advertisements, due to the spammy nature of some. Product reviews are a surer way of getting more customers. But whatever the reasons, it?s a good source of income online. You can exclusively start writing product reviews, and earn a living out of it!

How does it work?

You can find two basic types of product reviews. First, there are some revenue sharing websites that ask you to write a product review for them. Those reviews are published on their websites only. They are articles, which get search engine traffic much like blog posts. The revenue these sites generate from your reviews, you are given a share from it. There are pay-per-review websites as well. These pay you a fixed amount for each review you write. These reviews will either be published on the host site, or they will allow you to publish it on your own site if it has good traffic.

To earn money by writing reviews, you can either join some review websites, or you can create a website of your own, and write some reviews on it.

Top 5 review websites to join

1. Shvoong

Shvoong accepts for almost any category of products, such as gadgets, toys, travel destinations, movies, books, health products, and so on. It is a revenue sharing website where you pay them a part of what you earn through your review.

2. ReviewStream

This is another great website. Like Shvoong, it will accept reviews on almost any product. But it is a pay-per-review website, which means it will pay you initially for a review. This amount could be as low as 50 cents, or as high as $10 or more.

3. Ciao

Ciao is sort of an amalgam of Shvoong and ReviewStream. Initially, it pays you a small amount (around 25 cents) for a review, but you can also earns through other means such as when someone views your review, or rates it as helpful. You earn some cents for every such action.

4. SharedReview

Social networking-cum-review publishing. A great place to find reviews for products, and of course, to write some.

5. ePinions

Revenue sharing website. Works just like Shvoong and Ciao.

Review on your own website

Besides writing reviews on other websites, you can also write some on your own website. If you don?t have your own website or a blog, you should create one now. For this method, you will need to write different sort of reviews. While the review websites let you review products from various brands and companies, here, you will have to choose a particular company, and stick to it for the review. There are some web apps and services that pay you to write reviews for them once you sign up with them.

Most companies nowadays have affiliate programs of some sort. You can also participate in the affiliate program, and promote the product using your affiliate ads. That way, although the company doesn?t require you to write a review, you can still convince people to purchase the product through you, hence earning you some money. This is in fact a great affiliate marketing strategy. Some affiliate programs even require you to write a review for the product. In any case, you have to do your homework if you want to make any sales.

?Writing reviews isn?t difficult. Often times, the companies will tell you what they expect from the reviews, and what you should mention. All the information will be given to you. You just need to shape that information into professional words, and you?ll be earning money in no time at all! )


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