Friday, April 5, 2013

Book Review: Grandparenting Through Obstacles by Renee Gray ...

Book Review: Grandparenting Through Obstacles by Renee Gray-Wilburn and Dianne E. Butts

Grandparenting Through Obstacles by Renee Gray Wilbur and Dianne E. Butts 200x300 Book Review: Grandparenting Through Obstacles by Renee Gray Wilburn and Dianne E. Butts

The topic of this book truly ?hit home?. This was about MY family, not a generic issue on faith, or child slavery in a foreign country or even abortion in the neighboring town. This was in my house.

The subtitle sums up what this book is about well: Overcoming family challenges to reach your grandchildren for Christ.? It is actually a collection of stories from several different grandparents about their lives and their grandchildren. I found it very easy to picture and to relate to the stories.? Their stories also made me feel ?connected? to them.

I found this book inspiring me to want to be a larger influence in my grandchildren?s lives and to pray for them more often.

I liked the questions to ponder and sample prayers at the end of each chapter. These will help to put what you learn into practice.

This book will most help grandparents who are dealing with certain specific problems (?challenges?) that are addressed in this book, which are: when the parents are not walking with God, when the relationship is long-distance, when the family is non-traditional, and the challenge of partnering with parents. The book is broken up into those sections with stories specifically as examples of how other grandparents dealt with those challenges. Even if you are a grandparent and don?t feel you have those challenges right now, this would be a good book to prepare for those problems in advance and for the general inspiration contained within.

To purchase your own copy of this book go here: Grandparenting Through Obstacles: Overcoming Family Challenges to Reach Your Grandchildren for Christ Book Review: Grandparenting Through Obstacles by Renee Gray Wilburn and Dianne E. Butts

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author herself. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision?s 16 CFR, Part 255: ?Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.?

(c) 2013 Cheryl Cope

Cheryl Cope on Google+


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