Thursday, May 10, 2012

KitGuru Gaming ? Weekly Round Up | KitGuru


For those tech readers who don?t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming ? here is a round up of content published in the last week.

?A Magnet School for Video Game Design?

While it may be a no-brainer to gamers that the video game industry is one of the fastest growing sectors, many parents continue to align their views with the old stereotype ? games are a waste of time and always will be. Subsequently, the emergence of a new video game magnet school is meeting a lot of resistance by parents who don?t understand the complexity of video games and their development.

NewSuperMarioBrosBig 300x225 A Magnet School for Video Game Design


?Top 5 Surprising Facts about Video Games?

Learn about the many different ways in which games help health.

FinalFantasyXDreamZanarkandFarewell 620x 300x154 Top 5 Surprising Facts about Video Games


?IGN App on Xbox Live?

One stop shops for all things game-related are important bookmarks to add to any gamers? computer (especially sites with decent game walkthroughs!). Now you don?t have to venture far to get news and updates from IGN.

575164 10150739183811633 59685491632 9772263 1219075414 n 300x208 IGN App on Xbox Live


?California ? A Land of Golden Opportunity for Careers in Gaming?

It?s no secret that California (and more specifically Silicon Valley) is home to some of the most influential companies in the world?Google, Yahoo, eBay, Netflix ? each play a significant role in shaping global business, and Californian manpower is equally as prominent within the video game industry.

Golden Gate Bridge 300x199 California ? A Land of Golden Opportunity for Careers in Gaming


?Teens in Somalia Finally Have Access to Movies and Video Games?

Video games are a new fad in Somalia, as the country just recently gained access to this form of entertainment. It was just last year when those in power (the al-Shabab militants) banned movies and video games, so Somalis are being acquainted with the video games we take for granted.

SS TopVideoGames Mario 300x200 Teens in Somalia Finally Have Access to Movies and Video Games

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