Thursday, December 29, 2011

Early CyanogenMod 9 build available for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

An early unofficial?kanged preview of CyanogenMod 9 for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has made its way to the Internet thanks to DaAwesome1?from XDA, who compiled the source from CyanogenMod?s GitHub and gives all credit to the CM team. We?re not exactly sure as to what is working and what is broken in this build, as there is no indication in the original post, but the installation process is pretty simple if you?ve been dying to get a look at whats in store for the world from the CyanogenMod team, who have worked around the clock to bring the first batch of nightly builds for as many devices as possible.

Here?s what you?ll need to do:

  1. Make a Nandroid backup of your current ROM
  2. Head over to the ROM thread on XDA
  3. Carefully read the instructions
  4. Stare in amazement at your early preview of CM9

We?ll be keeping tabs on this project, as well as many other currently active projects, and we?ll let you know once there are updates. Stay tuned!

Source: Android.OS


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