Tuesday, January 31, 2012

GOP race's approaching lull will test Gingrich (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The caffeinated, rapid-fire GOP presidential primary is about to ease into a slower pace and a more spread-out map, creating new challenges for Newt Gingrich.

February will bring several primaries and caucuses likely to lack the intensity of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida. It has only one debate, three weeks from now. And the month contains contests in three states with significant Mormon presences ? Nevada, Arizona and Colorado ? and in Michigan, where Mitt Romney's father was governor.

All these factors could pose problems for Gingrich, the former House speaker who is struggling to keep pace with Romney in Tuesday's Florida primary. Travel to and within the seven states with February elections will be costly, and Romney consistently has shown superior fundraising abilities. The dearth of televised debates will rob Gingrich of forums that revived his campaign in South Carolina, even if he performed rather poorly in two subsequent debates in Florida.

For Republican activists and political junkies, February will present something of a lull. No single state will dominate the process the way the first four states did. February will have trouble matching January's drama: Iowa's razor-thin results that first tilted to Romney, but later were credited to Rick Santorum; the withdrawals of Jon Huntsman and Rick Perry; and Gingrich's come-from-behind win in South Carolina that established him as Romney's chief threat.

The plodding feeling of the campaign will end dramatically on March 6, when 10 states vote on "Super Tuesday." The nomination could essentially be decided then, especially if Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, makes full use of his financial and organizational advantages between now and then.

Gingrich, however, has vowed to fight "all the way to the convention" in Tampa, Fla., in late August.

Referring to Romney, he said, "I think he's going to find this a long campaign."

Gingrich bounced back from a political near-death experience last summer, and then again after his poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire. His fans warn against counting him out prematurely again.

Romney advisers, however, argue that the calendar favors them.

"We're entering a phase now where the question of whether a campaign is built for prime-time will be tested," said Romney consultant Kevin Madden. "Can you organize and reach voters, both in-person and on-air, across multiple states for multiple weeks?"

Romney "is well-positioned for this stretch," Madden said, having built "the kind of campaign that can compete in conditions that are more like the general election."

The first GOP contest after Florida is the Nevada caucus, on Saturday.

Romney won the state in 2008 and should do well there given that and its heavy Mormon presence. However, Texas Rep. Ron Paul also has made a significant effort in Nevada.

On Feb. 7, Missouri has a primary, and Colorado and Minnesota hold caucuses. Four days later, Maine ends a two-week caucus process. Then there's a 17-day break before the Arizona and Michigan primaries on Feb. 28.

Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania, will face painful choices about how to allocate his resources. Gingrich will, too. But his big South Carolina win, and his 30 years of national political prominence, provide him more money and momentum.

Romney was already looking past Florida on Monday, planning to stop in Minnesota on his way to Nevada on Wednesday.

After Florida, the importance of gaining national attention and buzz begins to yield ground to the state-by-state hunt for delegates. That often involves painstaking strategies that are less sexy than TV debates and witty one-liners. Tactics will vary from place to place, since some states hold caucuses rather than primaries, and some allot their delegates on a proportional, not winner-take-all, basis.

President Barack Obama proved the importance of a smart delegate strategy in 2008. He won the Democratic nomination partly because his campaign outmaneuvered Hillary Rodham Clinton's operation with its early targeting of small caucus states.

The libertarian-leaning Paul has virtually no chance of winning the Republican nomination. But he's targeting states that allocate delegates proportionately, hoping to win enough to assure him a prominent voice at the August national convention.

If Gingrich can make it to Super Tuesday, he might enjoy yet another resurgence. States voting that day include Georgia, which Gingrich represented in Congress for 20 years, and neighboring Tennessee.

But Gingrich failed to qualify for the ballot in Virginia, which also votes that day, as does Romney's home state of Massachusetts. Neighboring Vermont and Mormon-friendly Idaho also are Super Tuesday states. The others are Alaska, North Dakota, Ohio and Oklahoma.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120130/ap_on_el_pr/us_campaign_next_up

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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Warrior Beat | Investing in UH football | UH football, University of ...

We all know someone who wants to let you know about a great investment. No obligations. Honest. Just a little of your time.

Punahou running back Steven Lakalaka and Kamehameha safety Taylor Taliulu listened, and yesterday both decided to invest in the Warrior plan. In doing so, they rescinded pledges to Pac-12 schools ? Lakalaka to UCLA, Taliulu to Washington State.

"Steven and I are really good friends," Taliulu said. "We were talking about it. We thought it would be cool to show everyone we're serious about Hawaii football. We can change this place around."

Taliulu had been set on going away. After completing his UH trip yesterday, he evaluated his offers.

"I felt home would be the best place for me to get a scholarship and try to be the best player I can be," Taliulu said. "I think coach Chow has a really good coaching staff. I feel I can gain the best knowledge from them."

Lakalaka expressed an interest in medicine. During his visit, Chow and assistant coach Keith Uperesa took Lakalaka to the John Burns Medical School. They met with professors and other students.

"That meant a lot," Lakalaka said.

The message: Many of the ?things on the mainland can be found in Hawaii.

Lakalaka and Taliulu then discussed their situation.

"We talked about USC and UCLA, and their traditions," Lakalaka said. "Somebody had to start it. We wanted to be part of starting a tradition."

* * * * *



Source: http://warriorbeat.staradvertiserblogs.com/2012/01/30/investing-in-uh-football/

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pamela Poole: How Twitter Became My Morning Paper

"Are you on Twitter?"

If your answer is "No," then this is for you. And if you're over 45, chances are that's your answer. But before you write off Twitter as a time suck,?or a toy for kids, you should know that most Twitter users are between 26 and 44. Grownups like it, and for good reason.

For quite a while now, reading my Twitter timeline has been one of the most gratifying and important activities of my day.?But back in 2008, this was what I had to say about it:

You know those sci-fi movies where some guy suddenly has the ability to read the minds of everyone around him and his eyes roll up in his head and he collapses in a heap, frothing at the ears and utterly insane because he can't handle the flood of inanities? That's why I've been avoiding Twitter.

At the time I wrote that, Twitter was still young, and the prompt its founders had come up with to get people to use it was "What are you doing?" In response to this we got a lot of sandwich eating and jogging in the early days. This drove many people nuts away.

Near the end of?that article, I acknowledged that Twitter hadn't reached its full potential, and it has, indeed, grown up since then. Now, instead of asking what you're doing, the Twitter homepage says "Follow your interests. Instant updates from your friends, industry experts, favorite celebrities, and what's happening around the world." Not terribly sexy, but it accurately describes what Twitter has evolved into for the most part.

Back in 2005, and for years before that, I'd get up in the morning, drink my tea and read the LA Times with CNN on in the background. Then for a couple of years I drank my tea and read my RSS feed reader (a topic for another day, perhaps).?Now I drink my tea and read my Twitter timeline instead.

What does that mean? Well, first of all, I "follow" friends and industry experts (web, business, tech), as well as publications of all kinds (online and offline), organizations, politicians, and interesting (funny, brilliant, militant, creative, good-hearted... ) strangers. I get a much more well-rounded and current view of what's happening in the world and in my areas of interest than I ever got from my old newspaper/CNN combo (I don't follow CNN on Twitter because this is their idea of news, nor do I follow the LA Times. I don't live in SoCal anymore, and I have bigger fish at my fingertips with Twitter. Sorry.) And -- bonus! -- I have my faith in humanity renewed almost daily. Do you get that from your local paper?

Then, in the morning and a couple of times a day, I read my timeline; the things the people/organizations I follow have tweeted. This morning, for example, I was cracking up reading the blow-by-blow "coverage" of yesterday's Republican debate by comedian Andy Borowitz.?I learned that Senator Sanders of Vermont introduced the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act. (He rocks!)?Steve Silberman, an erudite geek and writer tweeted that the Monty Python cast would be reuniting to make a sci-fi spoof. (Can't wait!) I clicked a link to see a piece an artist friend (online variety) made with some Android phone apps. I read an article, thanks to?io9?(a delicious blend of science and sci-fi),?on a couple of primate studies that were trying to help determine whether girls naturally prefer dolls to toy trucks. Charles Bukowski (or, rather, BukQuotes) said "The shortest distance between two points is often unbearable," and I had to agree. I learned Putin wants to institute a national reading list. (Sounds pretty?sovietsky to me.) OpenCulture tweeted a?link to free downloadable courses by great philosophers from Bertrand Russell to Foucault, which I marked to check out later. And, sadly, I learned that Twitter is going to start allowing censorship of tweets?in some countries. (And this news so soon after they announced that $300M investment they got from a Saudi prince. Hmmm...)

Now, you may think being on Twitter would just add to your information overload. But it's quite the contrary, actually. With Twitter you have the power to separate the wheat from the chaff. Think about it. Somebody at your preferred newspapers/magazines/TV news stations decides what info to put in front of your face. Those people are making decisions about what you see (and don't see), and you have nothing to say about it. With Twitter, you choose to follow people/organizations you trust, and you depend on them to share meaningful info. I feel I'm in better hands with the people I follow on Twitter than with mainstream media. And I often hear news before traditional news channels make it public, or news somebody doesn't want to be public at all...

(Until a few weeks ago, I was following more publications and blogs on Twitter, but many of them have recently gotten into the nasty habit of tweeting the same thing over and over in order to reach more eyeballs, which can really take up a lot of space in your timeline and your brain if too many people are doing it. So I have demoted most of them back to my RSS feed reader. And I read my feeds after I've read Twitter. Maybe.)

Now, you can't expect Twitter to instantly meet all of your information needs. (I actually have two separate accounts, one for professional interests and one for personal interests.) It took me about a year to get timelines that were satisfying, and I still tweak them regularly (adding and removing people). My advice is to start by following a few people and publications you respect and the rest should come naturally.

Also, I rarely use Twitter on the Twitter site itself. It's not user friendly enough. I most often use?an iPhone app (Tweetbot), and occasionally?the official Twitter desktop app (only because there's no Tweetbot desktop app). You'll find lots of articles out there that talk about the tools you can use to tweet and strategies for finding people to follow.

Plus, I haven't even touched on the topic of being a meaningful (non-sandwich-describing -- unless of course you're a foodie and have foodie followers who want to hear about your arugula) tweeter yourself, or what a "mention" is, or the basics of twittiquette... But, again, there are all kinds of articles about these things out there.

And this post is only about using Twitter to consume information. It's a natural place to start. But it is so much more than a personalized, 24-hour news channel.?As you may have heard, Twitter has been used for everything from?helping revolutionaries communicate?to?bashing McDonald's. It has infinite potential to connect and unite people, shine light into dark corners, open and enlighten minds, call people to action, call the powerful to task, make you smile... It is much bigger than its 140-character limit would suggest.

I hope you'll give it a try. And feel free to ask me for tips.?I will close with my favorite tweet of all time (by Preschool Gems) for your reading pleasure:



Follow Pamela Poole on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Pamela_Poole

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pamela-poole/twitter-morning-paper_b_1239102.html

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ancient tulip-like creature had bizarre gut

The animal was a filter feeder, with a tulip-shaped body and a stem that anchored it to the seafloor.

A weird tulip-shaped creature discovered fossilized in 500-million-year-old rocks had a feeding system like no other known animal, researchers reported today (Jan. 18).

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The animal was a?filter feeder, with a tulip-shaped body and a stem that anchored it to the seafloor. Named?Siphusauctum gregarium, the creature was about the length of a dinner knife at 8 inches (20 cm) and had a bulbous structure that contained its feeding system and gut.

The fossil was discovered in a rock layer called the Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies.

"Most interesting is that this feeding system appears to be unique among animals," study researcher Lorna O'Brien, a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto, said in a statement. "Recent advances have linked many?bizarre Burgess Shale animals?as primitive members of many animal groups that are found today, but?Siphusauctum?defies this trend. We do not know where it fits in relation to other organisms."

Siphusauctum?lived in gardenlike clusters on the seafloor, with some fossil slabs containing the remains of more than 65 individuals. Researchers have discovered more than 1,100 individual specimens, earning the fossil area the nickname "the tulip beds."

You can follow?LiveScience?senior writer Stephanie Pappas on Twitter?@sipappas.?Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter?@livescience?and on?Facebook.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/LKce_1hc9D8/Ancient-tulip-like-creature-had-bizarre-gut

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WWE Raw SuperShow results: Laurinaitis takes a nap

PHOENIX ? With only one week until the 25th Anniversary of the Royal Rumble, calling WWE Raw SuperShow "eventful" would be a gross understatement. Chris Jericho informed the WWE Universe that "it's going to be the end of the world as you know it," while Dolph Ziggler managed to upstage WWE Champion CM Punk on two separate occasions. Also, Zack Ryder was horrifically chokeslammed through the entrance stage by Kane in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

WWE Champion CM Punk vs. John Laurinaitis did not take place (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Moments before Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis battled WWE Champion CM Punk, he received word from WWE's Board of Directors that his job performance would be evaluated. The Board of Directors is bringing Mr. Laurinaitis' decision-making into question, especially his declaration that he would screw CM Punk at Royal Rumble. Furthermore, the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations' job performance would be evaluated personally by WWE's COO, Triple H.?

Ziggler hits the Zig ZagDavid Otunga and Mr. Laurinaitis read the letter to CM Punk inside the squared circle. Mr. Laurinaitis apologized to Punk, announcing he would fairly call the WWE Title Match at Royal Rumble and that Mick Foley was officially an entrant in the Royal Rumble Match. However, the Interim Raw General Manager also informed the WWE Champion that their match would not take place and Punk would battle David Otunga. This prompted Otunga to attack The Voice of the Voiceless.

Otunga's attack was short-lived and CM Punk was soon left alone in the ring with Mr. Laurinaitis. The Executive Vice President of Talent Relations extended his hand in peace, but was reciprocated with a resounding GTS from the WWE Champion. This bold move by The Second City Savior was quickly upstaged when Dolph Ziggler snuck into the ring and took down his Royal Rumble opponent with the Zig Zag.

R-Truth vs. The MizR-Truth def. The Miz (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Earlier in the evening, the former tag team partners engaged in a heated argument during a backstage interview. As a result, Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis informed the two Superstars that the loser of the match would be the first entrant in the Royal Rumble Match. When the opening bell rang, the two bitter rivals each did their best to gain an early advantage in the contest. Momentum swings were fairly even at first, but it was R-Truth who ultimately bested The Awesome One. As a result, The Miz will certainly have the odds stacked against him in the Royal Rumble Match.

Brodus Clay def. Heath Slater (PHOTOS | WATCH)
The Funkasaurus continued to show that he had all the right moves and picked up a victory against Heath Slater on WWE Raw SuperShow. The Superstar hailing from Planet Funk made quick work of The One Man Southern Rock Band and immediately got back to getting his groove on. William Regal watched from the announce table, criticizing Clay?s every move. On SmackDown, Regal was unceremoniously decimated by The Funkasaurus after busting some moves of his own.

Sheamus def. Jindar Mahal? (PHOTOS | WATCH)
Jinder Mahal failed to capture a victory over The Celtic Warrior on WWE Raw SuperShow. With Wade Barrett joining the commentary team, he watched as Sheamus built a great deal of momentum and pummeled Mahal. While the Punjabi Superstar did mount a brief offense, he was stopped in his tracks by a powerful Brogue Kick. Following the contest, The Great White made sure to reaffirm his commitment to win the Royal Rumble Match.

Zack Ryder injuredZack Ryder vs. Kane ended in a No Contest (PHOTOS | WATCH)
The former United States Champion proved for a second week in a row that he is a true fighter. After losing the U.S. Title in part to injuries suffered at the hands of Kane one week prior, Long Island Iced-Z stood up against The Big Red Monster in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Still injured, Ryder tried to go after Kane early-on, but Kane quickly overpowered his opponent and targeted his injured ribs.

As Eve begged Kane to show mercy, it seemed to only enrage The Big Red Monster further. However, even as he took tortuous punishment, Ryder continued to kick out of Kane?s pinfall attempts. As they battled through the crowd, the two ring warriors made their way to the entrance area. After relentless punishment that left the WWE Universe cringing with every strike, Kane chokeslammed Ryder through the stage. (WATCH: EVE BLAMES JOHN CENA FOR ZACK RYDER'S FATE | ZACK RYDER INJURY UPDATE | RYDER'S PAIN, CENA'S FAULT?)

JerichoChris Jericho?s ?Highlight Reel? returned to Raw (PHOTOS | WATCH)
After weeks of bizarre behavior since returning to WWE, Chris Jericho seemed poised to address all the questions of the WWE Universe with the return of Jericho?s ?Highlight Reel.? With the Jeri-Tron 5000 back to full power, Jericho played a video highlighting his storied career. He then grabbed a microphone and said, ?This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, it?s going to be the end of the world as you know it.? The first-ever Undisputed Champion then exited the arena.

Dolph Ziggler & U.S. Champion Jack Swagger def.? WWE Champion CM Punk & John Cena (PHOTOS | WATCH)
In an impromptu tag team match, John Cena and CM Punk immediately showed great teamwork in an effort to take out their frustrations with Mr. Laurinaitis. With momentum not in their favor, Ziggler and Swagger tried to regroup and re-strategize. With a combination of pure athleticism and show-boating, The All-American American and No. 1 contender to the WWE Title built a fair amount of momentum against Cena. But the fighting spirit deep within the Cenation leader overpowered Swagger with an Attitude Adjustment paving the way for the WWE Champion to get inside the squared circle. However, as The Voice of the Voiceless ascended the ropes to elbow drop Ziggler, Mr. Laurinaitis distracted Punk, allowing The Show-Off to capture the victory.

In response, CM Punk challenged the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations to a match tonight and Mr. Laurinaitis accepted!

WWE Champion CM Punk called out Interim Raw General Manager John Laurinaitis (PHOTOS)
One week after unloading a verbal tirade on Mr. Laurinaitis, The Voice of the Voiceless opened WWE Raw SuperShow by calling out the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, and demanding he admit that he will screw Punk at Royal Rumble. To the surprise of the WWE Universe, John Cena made his way to the ring as Mr. Laurinaitis did not. Cena took the opportunity to demand a match with Kane on Raw and to grant Zack Ryder a U.S. Title rematch.

The Interim Raw General Manager finally appeared and announced that Zack Ryder would face Kane in a Falls Count Anywhere Match tonight. He also declared that if Cena interfered, Long Island Iced-Z would never have another U.S. Title opportunity. Mr. Laurinaitis then announced that CM Punk and John Cena would battle Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler next!

Source: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2012-01-23/results

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Iran slams EU oil embargo, warns could hit U.S. (Reuters)

TEHRAN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) ? Iran accused Europeans on Monday of waging "psychological warfare" after the EU banned imports of Iranian oil, and U.S. President Barack Obama said Washington would impose more sanctions to address the "serious threat presented by Iran's nuclear program."

The Islamic Republic, which denies trying to build a nuclear bomb, scoffed at efforts to choke its oil exports, as Asia lines up to buy what Europe scorns.

Some Iranians also renewed threats to stop Arab oil from leaving the Gulf and warned they might strike U.S. targets worldwide if Washington used force to break any Iranian blockade of a strategically vital shipping route.

Yet in three decades of confrontation between Tehran and the West, bellicose rhetoric and the undependable armory of sanctions have become so familiar that the benchmark Brent crude oil price edged only 0.8 percent higher, and some of that was due to unrelated currency factors.

"If any disruption happens regarding the sale of Iranian oil, the Strait of Hormuz will definitely be closed," Mohammad Kossari, deputy head of parliament's foreign affairs and national security committee, told Fars news agency a day after U.S., French and British warships sailed back into the Gulf.

"If America seeks adventures after the closure of the Strait of Hormuz, Iran will make the world unsafe for Americans in the shortest possible time," Kossari added, referring to an earlier U.S. pledge to use its fleet to keep the passage open.

In Washington, Obama said in a statement that the EU sanctions underlined the strength of the international community's commitment to "addressing the serious threat presented by Iran's nuclear program."

"The United States will continue to impose new sanctions to increase the pressure on Iran," Obama said.

The United States imposed its own sanctions against Iran's oil trade and central bank on December 31. On Monday it imposed sanctions on the country's third-largest bank, state-owned Bank Tejarat and a Belarus-based affiliate, for allegedly helping Tehran develop its nuclear program.

The EU sanctions were also welcomed by Israel, which has warned it might attack Iran if sanctions do not deflect Tehran from a course that some analysts say could potentially give Iran a nuclear bomb next year.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: "This new, concerted pressure will sharpen the choice for Iran's leaders and increase their cost of defiance of basic international obligations."

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, reiterated Washington's commitment to freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz. "I think that Iran has undoubtedly heard that message and would be well advised to heed it," she said at a meeting of the board of governors of the American Jewish Committee in New York.


Germany, France and Britain used the EU sanctions as a cue for a joint call to Tehran to renew long-suspended negotiations on its nuclear program. Russia, like China a powerful critic of the Western approach, said talks might soon be on the cards.

Iran, however, said new sanctions made that less likely. It is a view shared by some in the West who caution that such tactics risk hardening Iranian support for a nuclear program that also seems to be subject to a covert "war" of sabotage and assassinations widely blamed on Israeli and Western agents.

The European Union embargo will not take full effect until July 1 because the foreign ministers who agreed the anticipated ban on imports of Iranian crude at a meeting in Brussels were anxious not to penalize the ailing economies of Greece, Italy and others to whom Iran is a major oil supplier. The strategy will be reviewed in May to see if it should go ahead.

Curbing Iran's oil exports is a double-edged sword, as Tehran's own response to the embargo clearly showed.

Loss of revenue is painful for a clerical establishment that faces an awkward electoral test at a time of galloping inflation which is hurting ordinary people. But since Iran's Western-allied Arab neighbors are struggling to raise their own output to compensate, the curbs on Tehran's exports have driven up oil prices and raised costs for recession-hit Western industries.

A member of Iran's influential Assembly of Experts, former Intelligence Minister Ali Fallahian, said Tehran should respond to the delayed-action EU sanctions by stopping sales to the bloc immediately, denying the Europeans time to arrange alternative supplies and damaging their economies with higher oil prices.

"The best way is to stop exporting oil ourselves before the end of this six months and before the implementation of the plan," the semi-official Fars news agency quoted him as saying.


"European Union sanctions on Iranian oil is psychological warfare," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said. "Imposing economic sanctions is illogical and unfair but will not stop our nation from obtaining its rights."

Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi told the official IRNA news agency that the more sanctions were imposed on Tehran "the more obstacles there will be to solve the issue".

Iran's Oil Ministry issued a statement saying the sanctions did not come as a shock. "The oil ministry has from long ago thought about it and has come up with measures to deal with any challenges," it said, according to IRNA.

Mehmanparast said: "The European countries and those who are under American pressure, should think about their own interests. Any country that deprives itself from Iran's energy market, will soon see that it has been replaced by others."

China, Iran's biggest customer, has resisted U.S. pressure to cut back its oil imports, as have other Asian economies to varying degrees. India's oil minister said on Monday sanctions were forcing Iran to sell more cheaply and that India planned to take full advantage of that to buy as much as it could.

The EU measures include an immediate ban on all new contracts to import, purchase or transport Iranian crude and petroleum products. However, EU countries with existing contracts can honor them up to July 1.

EU officials said they also agreed to freeze the assets of Iran's central bank and ban trade in gold and other precious metals with the bank and state bodies.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said: "I want the pressure of these sanctions to result in negotiations."

"I want to see Iran come back to the table and either pick up all the ideas that we left on the table ... last year ... or to come forward with its own ideas."

Iran has said it is willing to hold talks with Western powers, though there have been mixed signals on whether conditions imposed by both sides make new negotiations likely.


The Islamic Republic says it is enriching uranium only for producing electricity and other civilian uses. The start this month of a potentially bomb-proof - and once secret - enrichment plant has deepened skepticism abroad, however.

The United Nations' nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, confirmed plans for a visit next week by senior inspectors to try to clear up questions raised about the purpose of Iran's nuclear activities. Tehran is banned by international treaty from developing nuclear weaponry.

"The Agency team is going to Iran in a constructive spirit, and we trust that Iran will work with us in that same spirit," IAEA chief Yukiya Amano said in a statement announcing the January 29-31 visit.

Iran, whose regional policies face a setback from the difficulties of its Arab ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has powerful defenders in the form of Russia, which has built Iran a reactor, and China. Both permanent U.N. Security Council members argue that Western sanctions are counter-productive.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, classifying the EU embargo among "aggravating factors", said Moscow believed there was a good chance that talks between six global powers and Iran could resume soon and that Russia would try to steer both Iran and the West away from further confrontation.

His ministry issued an official statement expressing "regret and alarm": "What is happening here is open pressure and diktat, an attempt to 'punish' Iran for its intractable behavior.

"This is a deeply mistaken approach, as we have told our European partners more than once. Under such pressure Iran will not agree to any concessions or any changes in its policy."

But that argument cuts no ice with the U.S. administration, for which Iran - and Israel's stated willingness to consider unilateral military action against it - is a major challenge as Obama campaigns for re-election against Republican opponents who say he has been too soft on Tehran.

(Additional reporting by Robin Pomeroy and Mitra Amiri in Tehran, David Brunnstrom in Brussels, Adrian Croft in London, John Irish in Paris, Alexei Anishchuk in Sochi, Ari Rabinovitch and Jeffrey Heller in Jerusalem, Nidhi Verma in New Delhi, Steve Gutterman in Moscow, Rachelle Younglai and Andrew Quinn in Washington, Fredrik Dahl in Vienna and Patrick Worsnip at the United Nations; writing by Alastair Macdonald; editing by Robert Woodward and Mohammad Zargham)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120123/wl_nm/us_iran_eu_deal

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

After 17 seasons and 5 titles, Posada retires

New York Yankees baseball player Jorge Posada smiles while standing behind five World Series trophies he helped to win during a news conference to announce his retirement at Yankee Stadium in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Yankees baseball player Jorge Posada smiles while standing behind five World Series trophies he helped to win during a news conference to announce his retirement at Yankee Stadium in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Yankees baseball player Jorge Posada, center, is flanked by teammates Mariano Rivera, left, and Derek Jeter, while standing behind five World Series trophies during a news conference to announce his retirement at Yankee Stadium in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Yankees' Jorge Posada, right, poses for a picture with five World Series trophies and his family, wife Laura Posada, left, and children Paulina Posada, second from left, and Jorge Posda Jr. during a baseball news conference at Yankee Stadium in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. Posada announced his retirement Tuesday. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Yankees baseball player Jorge Posada becomes emotional during a news conference where he announced his retirement, at Yankee Stadium in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

New York Yankees baseball player Jorge Posada smiles during a news conference where he announced his retirement, at Yankee Stadium in New York, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

(AP) ? Flanked by his wife and children, with five World Series trophies sitting on a table to his right, Jorge Posada announced his retirement Tuesday.

The five-time All-Star catcher ends his major league career after 17 seasons, all with the New York Yankees.

The 40-year-old Posada finished with a .273 career batting average, 275 home runs and 1,065 RBIs. Shifted to designated hitter last year, his playing time diminished.

Posada joins Bernie Williams and Andy Pettitte in retirement, leaving only 37-year-old Derek Jeter and 42-year-old Mariano Rivera from the core group that led the Yankees to four World Series titles in five years from 1996-2000.

With Jeter, Rivera and CC Sabathia looking on, Posada began by quoting Joe DiMaggio: "I want to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee."

"I could never wear another uniform," he said. "I will forever be a Yankee."

Posada's voice broke up, especially when he spoke in Spanish. He thanked his teammates, rubbing his chin three times and wiping his eyes.

"Hopefully you won't miss me that much," he said.

Diana Munson, wife of the late Yankees catcher Thurman Munson, spoke about how Posada helped revive her interest in baseball, which had disappeared after her husband's death.

"I think he and Thurman definitely would have been best buds," she said.

Posada said he made the decision to retire during last season, which turned tumultuous May 14 when he was dropped to No. 9 in the batting order against Boston. He asked to be taken out of the lineup, saying he wasn't ready to play.

Yankees manager Joe Girardi and GM Brian Cashman said that was just a blip in his career ? part of Posada's fiery nature, the one that drew fans to him. Jeter said that emotion can't be faked, that it comes from a drive to win.

"I feel the same way," Jeter said. "I'm just better at hiding it."

Jeter and Rivera talked about how their days for retirement would come.

"Mo's going to be here longer than all of us," Jeter said.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-01-24-BBA-Yankees-Posada-Retires/id-731388f28a1247d8bd5744582e6e1457

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EU finance chiefs to meet as Greek talks stall

PARIS (AP) ? European finance ministers will try on Monday to give new momentum to talks on a Greek debt relief deal that is crucial to avoid a default but remains elusive due to disagreements with the country's private creditors.

A deal would see Greece's debt load lightened by about euro100 billion ($129 billion) by having the creditors swap their Greek bonds for new ones of a longer maturity and potentially lower interest rate.

Germany, which is heavily involved in the negotiations because it pays for most of Greece's bailout, is leading a push for the new bonds to pay lower rates than the creditors are currently willing to accept.

The French and German finance ministers, Francois Baroin and Wolfgang Schaeuble, were holding talks in Paris before a meeting with their eurozone counterparts later in the day in Brussels.

Greek officials say negotiations on the private debt writedown are continuing over the phone, while no appointment has been set yet for new face-to-face talks this week.

Last week, representatives of the country's private creditors held three days of intensive talks with Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos on the bond swap, which is officially called-Private Sector Involvement, or PSI.

The negotiations had been due to resume Saturday, according to Greek officials. But Charles Dallara, managing director of the Institute of International Finance, which is handling the talks on behalf of banks and other private holders of Greek government bonds, left for a "long-standing engagement" in Paris on Saturday.

Dallara told The Associated Press over the weekend that he is "constantly talking by phone" with Greek officials and that the talks are "coming together."

The IIF's legal and financial advisers are still in Athens working on several "outstanding issues" with Greek officials and Dallara will return "as needed," a spokesman said.

On Sunday, Dallara was quoted by private Antenna TV as saying he had presented Athens with "the best possible" proposal on the debt writedown, and that "the main pieces are in the puzzle."

"I believe the elements now are in place for a historic voluntary PSI deal. It is a question now really of the broader reaction of the European official sector and of course the IMF to this proposal," he said.

Having the creditors accept the deal voluntarily would avoid the payout of insurance on the restructured bonds. The EU and IMF are trying hard to keep it a voluntary deal, but Dallara suggested their demands were pushing the limits of what the private creditors could consider voluntary.

"Our offer that was delivered to the Prime Minister is the maximum offer consistent with a voluntary PSI deal," he added. "We are in a crossroads. Either we choose a voluntary debt restructuring (or) the alternative is to choose the path of default."

Dallara said he was "quite hopeful" that common ground can be reached "in the very, very, very short term."

The writedown is a key part of Greece's second international bailout, agreed in October but not yet finalized. Since May 2010, the country has been surviving on a first euro110 billion ($142 billion) batch of rescue loans agreed on condition of deep spending cuts and sweeping public sector reforms.

Debt inspectors from the EU, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund ? collectively known as the troika ? will be meeting government officials in Athens this week on the course of the austerity program. Without approval from the troika, Greece will be cut off from its rescue loan lifeline, which would force it into a messy default on its debts in late March and ? most likely ? abandon the euro.


Paphitis contributed from Athens.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-01-23-EU-Europe-Financial-Crisis/id-84b99e0e9df649c58bd3b6027ccc0196

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Investors Bet On Social Gambling, $ZNGA Closes Up 6.57%, Now At $9.09 A Share

featured-games-380-226-zp-game-board-02The social gaming industry has been getting more and more interested in a potentially big new way to make money: online gambling. And investors, who are now able to buy stock in market leader Zynga, are following suit. Today, Zynga told All Things D that it was considering how to approach the new opportunity:??We build games and experiences that our players want and love. Zynga Poker is the world?s largest online poker game with more than 7 million people playing every day and over 30 million each month. We know from listening to our players that there?s an interest in the real money gambling market. We?re in active conversations with potential partners to better understand and explore this new opportunity.?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/gDMwtbQRzDU/

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Video: 'West Memphis 3' film out

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Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/46004371#46004371

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Miss America confronted family pain with pageant (AP)

LAS VEGAS ? The nation's newest Miss America is a 23-year-old Wisconsin brunette who had long conversations with her family mulling whether or not to make her father's jail time for mail fraud the heart of her campaign in the beauty pageant.

While her competitors pushed platforms including promoting the health benefits of milk and protecting the environment, Laura Kaeppeler (KEP'-ler) said she wants children of incarcerated adults to feel less alone, to have mentoring and as much of a relationship with their parents as possible.

"There are many of you out there ? and I was one of them ? but it doesn't have to define you," Kaeppeler told The Associated Press after winning the crown and $50,000 scholarship on Saturday night.

To win, she said beauty queens and politicians should remember they represent all Americans, sang an opera song and strutted in a white bikini and black evening gown.

Her looks, smarts and personal vocation impressed a panel of seven celebrity judges enough to give her the next year with the title.

"What happened with my father is not what my year is going to be focused on," she said. "It's going to be focused on looking forward and moving to the future because that's what my family has done and that's what I'll encourage others to do, as well."

Kaeppeler estimated that there are more than 2 million children with a parent in jail.

Kaeppeler's father, Jeff Kaeppeler, told the AP he served 18 months in federal prison for mail fraud, a sentence his daughter said started as she was graduating high school and entering college.

Jeff Kaeppeler said when his daughter approached the family about making the personal topic her chosen platform, they supported it even though they knew it would be discussed publicly.

"It taught us that God can turn anything into good if you let him," he said. "Laura is totally on board with that idea. She let that drive her and inspire her this past year to get ready for this.

"We've seen a miracle," he said while waiting backstage for a news conference in which his daughter called him her "best friend" and briefly took pictures with him onstage.

"I love you," he whispered to her as dozens of cameras snapped photos.

Miss Oklahoma Betty Thompson came in second, while Miss New York Kaitlyn Monte placed third.

Kaeppler introduced herself to pageant viewers by referencing her home state's Green Bay Packers, the NFL's defending Super Bowl champions.

"If you're watching, Aaron Rodgers, call me," she said, referring to the football team's superstar quarterback.

She was good enough during preliminary competitions to be chosen as one of 15 semifinalists who moved on to compete in the pageant's finale. Her bid lasted through swimsuit, evening wear, talent and interview competitions that saw cuts after each round.

She was asked minutes before being crowned whether Miss America should declare her politics.

"Miss America represents everyone, so I think the message to political candidates is that they represent everyone as well," she said. "And so in these economic times, we need to be looking forward to what America needs, and I think Miss America needs to represent all."

The pageant aired live to east coast viewers on ABC and tape delayed to the rest of the country. The event was the culmination of a week of preliminary competitions and months of preparations for the titleholders from all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Kaeppeler, of Kenosha, Wis., some 40 miles south of Milwaukee, said her crowning moment was a blur.

"I was crying even before my name was called," Kaeppeler said. "It was just surreal to have this honor."

She replaces Teresa Scanlan of Nebraska, who won last year at age 17 and plans to use her scholarship to pay for law school.

As the new Miss America, Kaeppeler will spend the next year touring the country to speak to different groups and raising money for the Children's Miracle Network, the Miss America Organization's official charity.

She majored in music and vocal performance at a private Lutheran liberal arts college in Kenosha, and told pageant officials initially that she planned to obtain a master's degree in speech and language pathology and become a speech therapist.

But that changed once she became Miss Wisconsin.

She now says she intends to use the scholarship money to pursue a law degree and become a family attorney who specializes in helping children of incarcerated adults.

"I really feel like I've been called to work in this," she said. "Whether I became Miss America or not, this is something that I would pursue in my career no matter what."


Oskar Garcia can be reached at http://twitter.com/oskargarcia

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/entertainment/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120115/ap_en_ot/us_miss_america

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Drowning Incidents Among Children Drop, Study Finds (LiveScience.com)

The rate of children hospitalized yearly due to drowning-related incidents has dropped by 50 percent since the early 1990s, a new report finds.

The biggest drop occurred in the southern U.S., where drowning-related incidents fell from seven yearly hospitalizations per 100,000 children to three annual hospitalizations?per 100,000 children.

"The report shows that we're doing a good job," said lead author Stephen Bowman, an epidemiologist and professor at the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy.

"Trends are going in the right direction, but there's still about 1,000 deaths from drowning in children per year," Bowman said. "And that's too many."

This is the first study to look at trends in hospitalizations for drowning incidents in children.

The study is published today (Jan. 16) in the journal Pediatrics.

Drowning highest among infants and toddlers

Every day in the U.S, about ten people die from accidental drowning. Of these, two are children 14 years old or younger, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in children ages 1 to 19 in the U.S.

Among children, infants and toddlers are the highest risk group. In 2007, almost 30 percent of children who died from accidental injury?died from drowning.

Near drownings can cause brain damage, which can lead to long-term health complications such as memory problems, learning disabilities and permanent loss of basic functioning.

"Drowning is such a terrible, nasty injury because you're not getting enough oxygen," said Dr. Linda Quan, a pediatric emergency room physician at Seattle Children's Hospital.

"You can have a cardiac arrest, and with medical assistance, your heart might be able pump again," said Quan who was not involved with the work.

"But other organs including the brain may not be able to sustain such an injury," she said.

Which may explain how even after resuscitation, a person can still die after being hospitalized.

Are efforts to reduce accidental drownings enough?

Researchers looked at hospital data over a 16-year period and found the rates of hospitalization from drowning-related incidents declined in children younger than 19 years old.

From 1993 to 2008, researchers found, the number of hospitalizations associated with drowning decreased from about five cases per 100,000 children, to two cases.

Researchers also observed a 40 percent drop in bathtub-related drowning hospitalizations in infants and toddlers.

Study authors noted boys maintained higher rates of drowning injuries than girls.

The reason for the overall decline may be due to "educational campaigns that have been put into place to reduce drowning," Bowman said.

"Efforts such as putting fences around pools and encouraging parents to have kids in a supervised setting, are some of the things we'd like to believe are yielding positive results in reducing drowning," he said.

But Quan said she isn't entirely sure such efforts are the only reason for the decline.

"It could mean that kids aren't going to the beach as often," she said. "Or maybe they're just sitting at home playing computer games. We don't really know for sure why there's a decline." She said there hasn't been enough attention given to water safety.

"We haven't had national focus, medical focus or family focus on preventing drowning," Quan said. "We haven't taken the same approach to preventing drowning like we have with motor vehicle accidents."

What is most important is that parents follow all the necessary steps to ensure their child is safe, she said.

"Every family needs to think about how to prepare and respond to any water related activity," Quan said.

Some of her suggestions included:

  • Bring a lifejacket with you when visiting a beach.
  • Swim only where there's a lifeguard.
  • Keep active watch on your child if they're near or in the water.
  • Have your kids take swimming lessons.
  • Before engaging in a water-related activities, set expectations and rules with your kids.

Pass it on: Fewer kids require hospitalization from drowning.

This story was provided by MyHealthNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/parenting/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20120116/sc_livescience/drowningincidentsamongchildrendropstudyfinds

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Documents show how Fed missed housing bust

FILE - In this Nov. 9, 2011 file photo, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks during the Federal Reserve Conference in Washington. Newly released transcripts of Fed meetings during Bernanke's first year as chairman show that, among Fed officials, he often expressed the most concern about housing. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 9, 2011 file photo, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks during the Federal Reserve Conference in Washington. Newly released transcripts of Fed meetings during Bernanke's first year as chairman show that, among Fed officials, he often expressed the most concern about housing. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

(AP) ? Ben Bernanke presided over his first meeting as Federal Reserve chairman in March 2006 believing the nation's economy could pull off a "soft landing" from falling home prices. Three months later, Bernanke had begun to grasp that he and others had underestimated the risk housing posed to the economy.

Newly released transcripts of Fed meetings during Bernanke's first year as chairman show that, among Fed officials, he often expressed the most concern about housing. But no official, according to the transcripts, recognized the extent of the damage a housing bubble would cause. A year later, the housing market's collapse helped send the nation into its worst recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, then a Fed official, expressed confidence in September 2006 that "collateral damage" from housing could be avoided. The transcripts released Thursday covered the eight meetings of the central bank's chief policy-making body, the Federal Open Market Committee, during 2006. That included the last meeting of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in January of that year and Bernanke's first meeting in March after he had succeeded Greenspan as chairman.

The Fed releases minutes of the FOMC discussions three weeks after the meetings but full transcripts do not come out until five years later.

The transcripts for 2006 show that at first Bernanke did not express concern about the cooling of the housing market after a boom that had pushed sales and home prices to record levels.

"I agree with most of the commentary that the strong fundamentals support a relatively soft landing in housing," Bernanke told his follow FOMC members at his first meeting as chairman in March.

Also in March, Bernanke said, "I think we are unlikely to see growth being derailed by the housing market, but I do want us to be prepared for some quarter-to-quarter fluctuations,"

At his second meeting as chairman in May, Bernanke still seemed fairly confident. "So far we are seeing, at worst, an orderly decline in the housing market; but there is still, I think, a lot to be seen as to whether the housing market will decline slowly or more quickly.

However, by the June meeting, Bernanke was expressing more caution saying that the slowdown in housing was "an asset price correction" that bore watching.

"Like any other asset-price correction, it's very hard to forecast, and consequently it's an important risk and one that should lead us to be cautious in our policy decisions," Bernanke said.

By the September meeting, Bernanke sounded even more concerned about the impact on the broader economy from the slowdown in housing.

"I don't have quite as much confidence as some people around the table that there will be no spillover effect," Bernanke said.

By contrast, Geithner, who was then president of the Fed's New York regional bank, expressed more confidence that the economy could weather the troubles in housing, saying the issue would be the impact on consumer and business spending.

"We just don't see troubling signs yet of collateral damage and we are not expecting much," Geithner said at the September FOMC meeting.

The discussion by the members of the FOMC, the Fed board members in Washington and 12 regional bank presidents, gave no indication that any of them foresaw the devastating impact that the collapse of the housing bubble would have. The country fell into a deep recession and severe financial crisis that led to the loss of more than 8 million jobs.

Bernanke and other Fed officials have said that they failed to see the severity of the shock waves from the housing bust. But the transcripts of their closed-door discussions in 2006 provide new details about how the central bank was responding to the unfolding crisis.

The transcripts of the final meeting of the year, in December, showed that Bernanke was still expecting that the economy would experience a "soft landing" in which growth would slow enough to cool inflation but not drop into a recession.

His comments came a year before the start of the Great Recession, which economists say began in December 2007 and lasted until June 2009.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-01-13-US-Fed-Housing-Bubble/id-f448843b87f240cd896424599e9512c7

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Egypt's Brotherhood treads carefully after victory (AP)

CAIRO ? The Muslim Brotherhood has emerged as the biggest winner in parliamentary elections, but the fundamentalist group that has long dreamed of ruling Egypt is likely to be cautious about flexing its newfound muscle.

The Brotherhood has been crushed by the military before and will likely tread carefully to avoid spooking the ruling generals or the country's Western supporters, who provide generous amounts of badly needed foreign aid.

That may be the best tactic for the Brotherhood as it seeks to translate its impressive electoral victory into political power while reassuring this turbulent nation of 85 million people it has no intention of monopolizing power.

So far, the Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice party, is insisting it has no immediate desire to push through Islamic legislation or form a new government to replace one led by a prime minister named by the military only days before the staggered elections began on Nov. 28.

Additionally, it has distanced itself from more militant Islamic groups, including the ultraconservative Salafis, which won a quarter of seats, and has gone to great lengths to avoid a clash with the powerful generals who took over from Hosni Mubarak 11 months ago.

"The cautious approach is rooted in part in the lessons the Muslim Brotherhood has learned from past clashes with the army, for which it paid dearly," prominent columnist Abdullah al-Sinawi wrote in Monday's edition of the independent Al-Shorouk daily.

The Brotherhood has spent most of the 84 years since its inception in 1928 as an outlawed organization. At times, it enjoyed a level of relative tolerance by authorities that allowed it to function as a religious charity and political body, running a huge network of social services and fielding parliamentary candidates as independents.

But for most of those eight decades, Brotherhood leaders and supporters have been targeted in harsh government crackdowns that saw hundreds jailed, tortured and convicted, often on drummed up charges.

The Feb. 11 ouster of Mubarak, their brutal tormentor for most of the 29 years he was in power, heralded the empowerment of the Brotherhood. The group responded with astonishing speed, quickly organizing its ranks to contest the elections and emerging as the nation's most dominant political force, with its Freedom and Justice party now the largest bloc in the next legislature, though final results of the staggered election have yet to be announced.

The Brotherhood's show of flexibility is typical of an organization that has honed to perfection survival tactics developed during decades of functioning underground to escape crackdowns by successive governments. It also emanates from the series of setbacks it has suffered over the years whenever it flaunted its power.

For example, Brotherhood leaders forged close ties with the army officers who seized power in a 1952 coup, acting as their political and spiritual patrons until the same officers cracked down on the group two years later.

The group enjoyed something of a revival during the 11-year rule of President Anwar Sadat, who used it to counter the weight of militant Islamic groups. Mubarak, who succeeded Sadat in 1981, initially tolerated the group, but subjected it to wave after wave of arrests starting in the 1990s on the grounds that it offered militant groups tacit support.

Some in Egypt, however, believe the Brotherhood's desire for power is what may prove its undoing.

"The Muslim Brotherhood has a rich history of failures," cautioned Amir al-Mallah, a leader of the protest movement that toppled Mubarak. "It is not after the creation of a civilian or a religious state ? all it ever wanted is power."

The Brotherhood did not take a leadership role in the 18-day uprising that forced Mubarak to step down, only joining the anti-Mubarak uprising when it felt confident the protest movement had gained irreversible momentum. Its supporters also stayed away from recent protests demanding the military immediately step down, arguing that it was time to focus on the political process and not demonstrations.

"We have acted out of concern that we should work to rebuild the nation and not destroy what is left of it," Brotherhood leader Subhi Saleh told The Associated Press.

The rise of the Brotherhood in post-Mubarak Egypt has become a serious source of concern to liberal and left-leaning groups, as well as women and the nation's large Christian minority, all of whom fear the group's long-term goal of implementing Islamic Sharia law will relegate them to the sidelines and stoke sectarian tensions.

While it has repeatedly stated its desire to maintain Egypt's close relations with the United States, it has sent conflicting signals on Israel, with whom Egypt has a 1979 peace treaty. Brotherhood leaders have said they will put the treaty to a nationwide referendum and have pledged to never recognize the Jewish state.

However, the Freedom and Justice party has said it will respect the nation's international commitments, a reference to the treaty.

"No not at all," said Saleh when asked whether the party intended to push legislation to bring the mainly Muslim nation more in line with Islamic teachings. "Our priority is economic and political reform."

Many of the Brotherhood's detractors see such assurances as a smoke screen to conceal the Brotherhood's Islamic agenda and calm nerves at home and abroad about whether it intends to put into practice its longtime slogan of "Islam is the solution."

The Freedom and Justice party's political manifesto, posted on the group's website, does not speak of the prohibition of alcohol and the segregation of the sexes, but there is enough there to suggest it may just be a matter of time.

The section devoted to the media, art and culture says the party will work for "clean film production" along with television programs sensitive to "the needs, values and customs of Egyptian citizens." It also says it will create a network of Internet sites that "bolsters constructive culture, and the social and religious values of Arab and Islamic societies."

Going on the defensive, Saad el-Katatni, the party's secretary general, said fear of the Islamists was "exaggerated" and amounted to scare mongering.

"The people have spoken. If you respect democracy then you must respect the new political map," he told reporters in comments carried by the official news agency, MENA.

Subhi and Brotherhood spokesman Mahmoud Ghazlan emphatically deny the Brotherhood has struck a deal with the generals. Both argue that, like all other political groups, the Brotherhood just wants the generals to make good on their promise to step down.

Activists and antimilitary protest leaders, however, say the Brotherhood has pledged a safe exit for the generals when they leave power, protecting them against prosecution for killing protesters. That, say the activists, would be in return for giving the Brotherhood-dominated legislature a mandate to appoint a 100-member panel to draft a new constitution.

Writing in the Monday edition of the independent al-Tahrir newspaper, columnist Ibrahim Issa summed up the predicament of the Brotherhood in winning Egypt's freest and fairest election only to be reluctant to realize its longtime dream of ruling the country.

"The Brotherhood waited for 84 years for this moment: to rule Egypt," he wrote. "But when the moment has finally arrived, the Brotherhood seems to believe in the saying that one must be careful what one wishes for."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120109/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_egypt_brotherhood_tactics

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Friday, January 13, 2012

A Beginner's Guide to Twitter

twitter-icon-150.jpgMany of ReadWriteWeb?s readers are old hands at Twitter, but the service gets thousands of new users every day. That includes a lot of folks who suddenly need to use Twitter as part of their job. If you?re just being introduced to the joys of Twitter (or introducing it to another user), here?s a short and friendly primer on what you need to know about using the site.

After posting ?10 Tips on Using Twitter Wisely? in December, I had a few notes from folks who said (basically) ?thanks for the tips, but I didn?t know all the jargon.?

Digging deeper, I realized that what seems obvious after using Twitter for several years isn?t so obvious to new users. Folks in the press, PR or marketing that are steeped in traditional media often get thrown into the Twitter/social media pool with little guidance. Whatever role you?re in, if you?re new to Twitter, read on.

Tech folks tend to love acronyms and jargon. At least, it must seem that way, given how much we use them. When you spend a lot of time in any community, you tend to internalize the jargon and forget that new folks may not know what the bleep you?re talking about. Tip to older tech folks: you can experience the same effect by simply skimming the current top 40 albums or listening to kids in their teens talking about their favorite music.

  • Follow If you?re on Twitter you probably get this one already, but let?s cover it for the sake of completeness. If you subscribe to someone?s updates, you follow them.
  • @reply When you want to get someone?s attention on Twitter, you use an @reply, which will show up in their @connect menu on Twitter or under Mentions in a client like HootSuite.
  • DM A direct message (DM) is sent between users, not shown publicly on the timeline. You can only DM another user if they follow you.
  • RT A re-tweet (RT) is when you share something someone else wrote.
  • MT Less common, a modified tweet is when you share something written by someone else but modify it. Usually this is done to fit the tweet into 140 characters.
  • Twoosh A tweet that is exactly 140 characters. Not used often these days.
  • Hashtag The hashtag is a way to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. For example, if you were tweeting about the St. Louis Cardinals? impressive World Series win in 2011, you might use #cards as a hashtag.
  • #FF One of the most common hashtags you?ll see is #FF which is short for Follow Friday. Basically, this convention is for suggesting folks that you should subscribe to (follow) on Twitter.
  • Geolocation or geotagging Using location data to display where a user is when a Tweet is sent.
  • Lists Twitter allows you to add users to lists rather than following them directly. This is useful if you want to check in on a bunch of people periodically, but don?t want them in your ?stream? all of the time.

Page 2: Why 140 Characters, and Helpful Twitter Clients

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/readwriteweb/~3/wISriqWsfYU/a-beginners-guide-to-twitter.php

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Democrats slam GOP over Barbour pardon

Mississippi Democrats issued a press release today condemning Republicans for a pardon issued by Governor Barbour:

On the Sunday before his term expires, Governor Haley Barbour has pardoned David Glenn Gatlin, a man convicted of murder, aggravated assault, and burglary in 1993. Gatlin, who has served as a trustee in the Governor?s mansion, was convicted of killing his wife, Tammy Ellis Gatlin.

House Democratic Caucus Leader Bobby Moak (Bogue Chitto) said, ?The Republican party needs to lead and re-think its catch and release program. Law enforcement picks these violent criminals up and Republicans let them go.? Moak added, ?This is the latest in a long line of irresponsible decisions by a party that claims to stand for law and order.?

WLBT story on pardon

?I know that people will say that lame duck pardons are a political tradition but this is one tradition that needs to go away. The people of Mississippi and their justice system deserve better. In the past we have tried to limit this authority by allowing law enforcement and victims? families the opportunity to have their voice heard on these decisions that bypass the parole board. It?s time to make these changes,? Moak said.

Source: http://kingfish1935.blogspot.com/2012/01/democrats-slam-gop-over-barbour-pardon.html

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American Idol Season 11 Preview: Tough Love to Come!

The incredible journey of American Idol kicks off again on January 17, and contestant should be warned: there will be no more Mr. Nice Judges.

"It was hard for me in the beginning to say 'no' at all," Jennifer Lopez tells TV Guide Magazine. "[This year] we're just as honest and just as compassionate, but maybe a tiny bit more blunt about it... it has to be tough love. Maybe we're a little tougher on the tough-love part."

American Idol Cover Story

What about the presence of The X Factor and The Voice? Is the team worried about singing competition overkill?

"There's only one Coca-Cola," Randy Jackson said in response. "There may be many different variations made, but this is the original one. That's why I still call this the greatest talent show of its kind."

Jackson adds that there's a big difference between Idol and Simon Cowell's British important: the former is a "more intimate show," he says, elaborating:

"I think that's what really helps these kids. It's focused on us, yes, but not so much that you lose focus on the kids' talent. We never want to overshadow that."

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/01/american-idol-season-11-preview-tough-love-to-come/

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Suspect charged in shooting behind Texas school (AP)

EDINBURG, Texas ? Prosecutors have charged a 36-year-old man in a shooting last month in which two South Texas teenagers were severely wounded while trying out for their middle school basketball team.

Dustin Wesley Cook was charged with second-degree aggravated assault in the Dec. 12 shooting behind Harwell Middle School in Edinburg. His lawyer, Michael Guerra, says the details of the charges will clear his client of "any criminal responsibility."

The students were wounded during basketball tryouts on the outdoor court behind the school.

Police questioned three men who were on nearby ranchland after the shooting. They released two who had been practicing target shooting nearly a mile from the school. They detained the third, who they say was an illegal immigrant with an assault rifle who was trespassing on the land.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/crime/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120106/ap_on_re_us/us_basketball_tryout_shootings

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Landslide kills 25, buries more in Philippines

In this photo released by the Philippine Army, residents dig through the rubble following a landslide that occurred at the small-scale mining community of Pantukan, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines Thursday Jan. 5, 2012. The landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble. (AP Photo/Philippine Army, Senior Police Officer 4 Zoilo Molles Jr.) NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this photo released by the Philippine Army, residents dig through the rubble following a landslide that occurred at the small-scale mining community of Pantukan, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines Thursday Jan. 5, 2012. The landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble. (AP Photo/Philippine Army, Senior Police Officer 4 Zoilo Molles Jr.) NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this photo released by the Philippine Army, residents dig through the rubble following a landslide that occurred at the small-scale mining community of Pantukan, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines Thursday Jan. 5, 2012. The landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble. (AP Photo/Philippine Army, Senior Police Officer 1 Roger Montejo) NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this photo released by the Philippine Army, residents dig through the rubble following a landslide that occurred at the small-scale mining community of Pantukan, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines Thursday Jan. 5, 2012. The landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble. (AP Photo/Philippine Army, Senior Police Officer 1 Roger Montejo) NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this photo released by the Philippine Army, residents search for victims following a landslide that occurred at the small-scale mining community of Pantukan, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines Thursday Jan. 5, 2012. The landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble. (AP Photo/Philippine Army, Senior Police Officer 1 Roger Montejo) NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this photo released by the Philippine Army, residents search for victims following a landslide that occurred at the small-scale mining community of Pantukan, Compostela Valley in southern Philippines Thursday Jan. 5, 2012. The landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble. (AP Photo/Philippine Army, Senior Police Officer 1 Roger Montejo) NO SALES, EDITORIAL USE ONLY

MANILA, Philippines (AP) ? A landslide tore through a small-scale gold mining site in the southern Philippines on Thursday, killing at least 25 people and burying dozens more, months after government officials warned miners that the mountain above them was guaranteed to crumble.

The mountainside in Napnapan village in Pantukan township collapsed around 3 a.m., when most residents were asleep, sweeping away about 50 houses, shanties and other buildings, officials said.

Aside from those confirmed dead, more than 100 people were believed buried in the rubble, Compostela Valley provincial Gov. Arturo Uy said.

Scores of soldiers and volunteers were helping villagers dig for survivors and bodies, regional military spokesman Col. Leopoldo Galon said. The bodies of two girls aged 6 and 14 were among those retrieved, he said.

At least 16 people were taken to a hospital, with six in critical condition, Galon said.

Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon Paje said he had warned residents and local officials last year of a fissure on a ridge of the mountain that geologists said was "highly susceptible" to landslides that could occur anytime.

"We were absolute that it will give in," he told The Associated Press. "It was a 100 percent warning. We told them it's just a matter of time. ... This is it. This is what happened this morning."

Pantukan town spokesman Arnulfo Lantayan said heavy rains were hampering search and rescue work and increased the risk further slides "because there is still earth movement."

Photos of the village taken by the army's 10th Infantry Division after the landslide show a steep mountainside that looks like it was gouged by a giant shovel. Houses not buried by the rubble were lying on their sides while crumpled tin roofs and trees lay nearby.

One tunnel entrance appeared half covered by rocks and soil. It was unclear how many mine shafts have been blocked by debris.

Thousands of poor Filipinos dig and pan for gold in the area, hoping to strike it rich despite the dangers of largely unregulated mining. The tunnels are often unstable and landslides and accidents are common.

Saul Pingoy, a local resident, told DZMM radio that he was sleeping in a house about 50 yards (meters) away from the landslide when he felt the ground shake and heard rocks falling on roofs.

"The mountain itself was already sending a warning with falling rocks. That's why we were woken up ... and then it collapsed," he said. "Big boulders and the ground from the mountain covered the area."

Darwin Aguinawon, a 27-year-old logger, told reporters he heard what sounded like a "dump truck unloading gravel and sand" and seconds later his house tumbled down the slope. He saw a fellow miner tossed outside the house through where a wall once stood.

Compostela Valley province is on the main southern Philippine island of Mindanao, where flash floods triggered by a tropical storm killed more than 1,250 people in December. Uy, the governor, said miners and their families had been warned that the heavy rains made the small tunnels and mine shafts that honeycomb the hills and mountains more dangerous.

Uy said authorities advised residents as early as Dec. 16 when Tropical Storm Washi was sweeping across Mindanao to leave their tunnels, "but unfortunately some have not responded to our advisories."

Hundreds of residents near the site of Thursday's slide were forced to evacuate last April after a landslide killed about 20 people.

Uy said it was difficult to monitor the "extremely high risk area" because it is so remote and some residents who were evacuated in April may have "sneaked back."

Paje said the April slide occurred in Kingking village beside Napnapan. Both villages are part of a 74,130-acre (30,000-hectare) watershed that has been scarred by landslides over the years.

He said the fissure discovered last year has been aggravated by rainwater saturation and continuous diggings by the miners.

He urged local officials to stop giving small-scale mining permits, now estimated to number about 3,000 all around the watershed.

"Had they listened to us and stopped the entry (of miners), there would have been no casualty," he said.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-01-05-AS-Philippines-Landslide/id-60e6a0feb67942f7936f36d2f0424f88

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